Exporting Reference Information

You can export reference information from web-based AASHTOWare Project in the current export formats. This information can be imported into the client/server versions of PES (including Project Worksheet), LAS, CAS, Cost Estimation, and SiteManager. To begin, select Execute System Interface from the Actions menu on the Menu bar. For more information about the System Interface component, see Executing System Interfaces.

To export reference data for import into PES (including Project Worksheet), LAS, CAS, or Cost Estimation, choose Export Reference Data from the System Interface component, and choose the types of reference data you want to export from the Parameters setting.

To export funding information and code table information for import into Estimator catalogs, choose Export Reference Data from the System Interface component, and choose the types of reference data you want to export from the Parameters setting.

To export reference data for import into SiteManager, choose Export Reference Data to SiteManager from the System Interface component, and choose the types of reference data you want to export from the Parameters setting.

To export funding information and reference item information in the aecXML format, choose Export to AEC on the System Interface component. This export produces two export files, one for funding information and the other for reference items.

The system generates the export files and saves them in the default location with the default names shown in the table below. Any existing export files with the same names are automatically overwritten.



Export File

Project Worksheet, CAS, and Cost Estimation

EXPORT_<entity table name>.TXT







The system also generates a log file containing a summary of the information that was successfully exported and any errors that occurred. The log file is saved in the default log files location. To view the contents of the export files, you will need to have access to the default folder where the system places them.

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