Report Descriptions - Construction

In this section

  1. Change Order Report
  2. Stockpile Summary Report
  3. Contract List by Subcontractor
  4. Contractor Evaluation Report
  5. Contract Status Report
  6. Contract Time Report
  7. Daily Diary Report
  8. DWR Report
  9. Force Account Report
  10. Item History to Date
  11. Item Posting by Item
  12. Items with Unpaid Placed Quantities
  13. Payment Estimate Report
  14. Payment Estimate for Contractor Report
  15. Payment Estimate Project Summary Report
  16. Payment Estimate Summary by Project Report
  17. Sampling and Testing Status Report
  18. Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report
  19. Summary by Funding Report
  20. User Contract Authority History Report
  21. Weekly Report of Time Charges

Change Order Report

The Change Order Report contains all of the information about the selected change orders, including descriptions of the changes, contract and project line-item details for each change, and any recorded explanations. The report includes detailed information about item quantity increases and decreases, new items, time adjustments, change order dollar amounts, and approvals.

The Change Order Report can be generated on demand or as a historical report. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event (see Historical Reports).

If the ChangeOrderApproved system event is active, the system automatically generates the Change Order Historical Report when a change order is approved. The report is generated in PDF format and attaches to the change order record.

You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Stockpile Summary Report

The Stockpile Summary Report lists information for a selected stockpile, including the stockpile amount, stockpile remaining amount, and current item recovery percentage. The report also lists information for each transaction recorded for a selected stockpile.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Contract List by Subcontractor

The Contract List by Subcontractor report lists all the subcontracts currently assigned to a selected vendor.

For each subcontract listed, information in this report includes the Contract ID, Subcontract Number, Parent Subcontract Number, Subcontract Type, Work Class, Consent Date, and Total Subcontract Extended Amount.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

Contractor Evaluation Report

The Contractor Evaluation Report contains all the information recorded in a contractor performance evaluation, including general contract information, an overall rating, the rating for each individual performance criterion, an average rating for each group of criteria, approval information, evaluation number, and a signature block.

The report can be generated on demand or as a historical report. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event. SeeHistorical Reports.

If the ContractorEvaluationInApproved system event is active, the system automatically generates the Contractor Evaluation Historical Report when a contractor evaluation is approved. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the contractor evaluation record.

You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

A blank Contractor Evaluation Report can be generated from the component Actions menu on the Contract Evaluation Structure Overview.

Contract Status Report

The Contract Status Report provides information about the progress of contract work, including the percent complete and the total amounts paid, unpaid, and pending. The report lists the engineers and administrative offices that are assigned to manage and oversee the work, as well as the contractors and subcontractors that perform the work. The report includes contract dates and times and a breakdown of item sources.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Contract Time Report

The Contract Time Report summarizes information about each time record in a contract. For each contract time record, the report presents the contract, time type and unit, rates for incentives and liquidated damages, time start and other applicable dates, extended total amount applied, and estimate charges that have been made to date.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Daily Diary Report

The Daily Diary Report lists information from one or more selected daily diaries, including the date, weather, and location, the name of the prime contractor, whether or not the contractor worked on that day, and additional remarks. The report also provides totals for contract time, which varies depending on whether the main contract time is Available Time, Calendar Time, or Completion Date.

The report can be generated on demand or as a historical report. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event. See Historical Reports.

If the PaymentEstimateApprovedDiaryReport system event is active, the system automatically generates the DWR Historical Report when the final approval is performed on the associated payment estimate. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the daily diary record.

You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.

DWR Report

The DWR Report contains all the general information recorded in a single daily work report (DWR), including items, quantities, and force account details. Subreports can optionally be generated for remarks; contract times; contractor staff, personnel, and equipment; agency staff; and attachments in the DWR. You can generate reports for multiple DWRs created by multiple inspectors for different date ranges. When multiple reports are generated, each DWR is separated by a page break.

The DWR Report can be generated on demand or as a historical report. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event (see Historical Reports).

If the PaymentEstimateApprovedDWRReport system event is active, the system automatically generates the DWR Historical Report when a DWR is approved. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the DWR record.

You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.

You can access this DWR report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Force Account Report

The Force Account Report lists the costs associated with an individual force account for a specified time period. Totals and amounts are shown for labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous invoices for each contractor working on the force account. Costs are calculated as rates times recorded work. Change orders and DWR details associated with the force account are also listed.

If you do not set date parameters when you generate this report, the report will include all DWRs on the force account. If you set both a start date and an end date, the report will only include DWRs that were submitted within that period. If you set only a start date, the report includes DWRs from that day on, and if you set only an end date, the report includes all DWRs up to that day.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Item History to Date

The Item History to Date report contains detailed information about the current status of a work item, including the quantity posted to date, the amount paid to date, and whether the work item has been completed. For each contract item selected, the report lists details about the item, associated projects and categories, contractors, DWR item postings, payment estimates, change orders that modify the item, and any remaining stockpile amounts.


You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Item Posting by Item

The Item Posting by Item report contains summary information for the specified contract items, as well as the list of all item postings within a specified time frame for a work item. The top of the report contains general information about the item from the contract (for example, description, quantities, and unit price). The remainder of the report is a listing of information from each item posting within the specified time frame which includes the DWR date, creator, approved quantity, quantity posted to date, quantity authorized for payment, quantity paid to date, pending change order quantity, pending change order amount, stationing, agency view information, attachments, comments, and attention flags. Reports can be generated for multiple work items at the same time.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Items with Unpaid Placed Quantities

The Items with Unpaid Placed Quantities report lists all of the items in a contract that have been used in construction and posted on a DWR, but have not yet been included in a payment estimate. The report includes unpaid item quantities and unpaid dollar amounts.

The report can be generated on demand or as a historical report. Historical reports can be generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event (see Historical Reports).

If the PaymentEstimateItemUnpaidQuantities system event is active, the system automatically generates the Items with Unpaid Placed Quantities Historical Report when the final approval is complete for the associated payment estimate. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the payment estimate record.

You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.

You can access this Items with Unpaid Place Quantities report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Payment Estimate Report

The Payment Estimate Report lists information about a payment estimate for a contract, including the prime contractor, current contract amount, and contract percent complete. The report lists totals for the previous payment estimate, the current payment estimate, and all payment estimates on the contract, along with detailed subtotals for retainage, incentive, disincentive, liquidated damage, and other payment estimate amounts.

The data included in the report is also displayed on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary. Caution should be used if the report is customized. For detailed information about the data displayed on the report, see Maintaining a Contract Payment Estimate.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Payment Estimate for Contractor Report

The Payment Estimate for Contractor Report lists information about a payment estimate for a contract, including the prime contractor, current contract amount, and contract percent complete. The report lists totals for the previous payment estimate, the current payment estimate, and all payment estimates on the contract, along with detailed subtotals for retainage, incentive, disincentive, liquidated damage, and other payment estimate amounts.

The Payment Estimate for Contractor Report can be generated as a historical report whenever a payment estimate is approved, or you can generate it for a specific payment estimate as needed. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event (see Historical Reports).

If the PaymentEstimateForContractor system event is active, the system automatically generates the Payment Estimate Historical Report when the final payment estimate approval is completed. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the payment estimate record.

The data included in the report is also displayed on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary. For detailed information about the data displayed on the report, see Maintaining a Contract Payment Estimate.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Payment Estimate Project Summary Report

The Payment Estimate Project Summary Report lists information about a payment estimate for a contract project, including the voucher number, current project amount, and project percent complete. The report lists totals for the previous payment estimate, the current payment estimate, and all payment estimates on the contract project, along with detailed subtotals for retainage, incentive, disincentive, liquidated damage, and other payment estimate amounts.

The data included in the report is also displayed on the Contract Payment Estimate Project Summary. Caution should be used if the report is customized. For detailed information about the data displayed on the report, see Viewing a Payment Estimate for a Contract Project.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Payment Estimate Summary by Project Report

The Payment Estimate Summary by Project Report lists detailed payment information for the current payment estimate, the previous payment estimate, and the total for all payment estimates for the project. The report lists quantities and amounts paid in the estimate for line items and line item adjustments.

The Payment Estimate Summary by Project Report can be generated as a historical report whenever a payment estimate is approved, or you can generate it for a specific payment estimate as needed. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event. See Historical Reports).

If the PaymentEstimateSummaryByProjectReport system event is active, the system automatically generates the Payment Estimate Summary by Project Historical Report when the final payment estimate approval is completed. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the payment estimate record.

You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.

You can access this Payment Estimate Summary report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Sampling and Testing Status Report

The Sampling and Testing Status Report provides detailed information about the status of material testing performed to satisfy acceptance action requirements for a selected contract project item. The report lists the acceptance actions required, the evaluation method, and the records that satisfy the requirements. This enables you to quickly determine the remaining actions that need to be performed.

For acceptance actions with an evaluation method of Record Count or Both, the report also displays the options, rates and frequencies used when calculating material sufficiency.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report

The Report Descriptions - Construction enables you to generate a summary of the information about a stormwater period, including related locations, contract projects, permits, DWRs, earth-moving events, and other general information.

This report is used to analyze and historically track stormwater periods necessary for a contract to stay in compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stormwater runoff requirements. The report documents site inspections, findings, and corrective actions required by the EPA.  

The report can be generated on demand or it can be viewed as a historical report from the row Actions menu on the Stormwater Periods tab of the Contract Progress Summary, or from the component Actions menu on the Stormwater Period Summary.

If the StormwaterPeriodSigned system event is active, the system automatically generates the Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Historical Report when a stormwater period is signed. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the stormwater period record.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

Summary by Funding Report

The Summary by Funding Report lists the current fund amount for funds and fund packages associated with each project in a contract. The report also lists information about each approved payment estimate for the contract.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

User Contract Authority History Report

The User Contract Authority History report lists different levels of contract authority assigned to the selected user. The report includes sections for global contract authority, office-wide authority, and contract-specific authority. For each level of contract authority assigned to the user, the report lists the user's access level by role, along with the status, effective date, and expiration date for the authority.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

Weekly Report of Time Charges

The Weekly Report of Time Charges lists the number of hours charged for the selected contract time as recorded on DWRs during the specified week. The report lists the number of hours worked each day for the contract time, the reason for any delays, diary adjustments to the contract time, and which contractors were on site each day.

This report can be generated on demand or as a historical report. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event (see Historical Reports).

If the WeeklyTimeChargeModified system event is active, the system automatically generates the Weekly Historical Report of Time Charges when a time charge report record is saved.

You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

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Using Report Parameters and Output Options

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