Maintaining Contract Documentation and Contract Evaluations

The Contract Documentation Summary contains a list of documentation records associated with the contract. This enables project managers to track documents associated with a contract and monitor their review.

To access the summary, click the Contract Documentation quick link on the Contract Administration Summary, Contract Progress Summary, or the Contractor Evaluation Summary.

The component opens on the Contractor Evaluation tab, which lists evaluations for all the contractors associated with the contract. Information is organized by contractor in accordion rows. Each contractor row contains an Actions button and current values for these fields:

To make changes to an existing evaluation, locate the contractor using the Quick Find search if needed. Expand the row to display contractor evaluations in subordinate rows. Each evaluation row displays an Actions button and current values for these fields:

To add a new evaluation for a contractor, select Add from the Actions menu on the contractor row. You cannot add a new contractor evaluation if an evaluation already exists for this contractor on this contract with a status of Draft, Pending Approval, or Final. For more information, see Adding a Contractor Evaluation.

To delete an evaluation for a contractor, select Delete from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. You cannot delete an evaluation with an Approved status. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button. To save your changes, click the Save button.

To view or change additional information about an evaluation, click the Status link or select Open from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. The system takes you to the Contractor Evaluation Summary (see Maintaining a Contractor Evaluation).

To submit a contractor evaluation for approval, select Submit for Approval from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. The system automatically sends a notification to the contract's project manager.

To approve a contractor evaluation, select Approve from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. The system automatically sets the Approved By field to your User ID and the Approved Date field to the current date. The system also generates the Contractor Evaluation Historical Report, attaches the resulting PDF to the contractor evaluation record, and initiates the Export Contractor Evaluation process.

To change the status of a contractor evaluation from Approved to Draft, select Change to Draft from Approved from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. The system automatically increases the Revision Number by an increment of one.

To change the status of a contractor evaluation from Pending Approval to Draft, select Change to Draft from Approved from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. The system automatically increases the Revision Number by an increment of one.

To maintain additional documentation for the contract, click the following tabs:

Document Submissions

Click this tab to view a list of documents associated with the contract (see Maintaining Document Submissions).

Review Document Submissions

Click this tab to view a list of documents your user account is assigned to review (see Reviewing Document Submissions).

Contract Project Design Evaluation

Click this tab to view or maintain design evaluations associated with this contract (see Maintaining Design Evaluations for a Contract).

Plan Discrepancies

Click this tab to maintain contract plan discrepancies associated with this contract (see Maintaining Plan Discrepancies for a Contract).


Click this tab to maintain contract meeting records (see Maintaining Meeting Records for a Contract).


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