Viewing a Payment Estimate for a Contract Project

The Contract Payment Estimate Project Summary lists information about all of the payment estimates recorded for the selected contract project. You can access the summary by navigating to the Contract Payment Estimate Summary, clicking the Projects tab, and then clicking the appropriate Project ID.

On the Contract Payment Estimate Project Summary, you can view information for a different contract project by clicking the Project arrow in the component subheader and selecting the project from the list. You can also scroll through the list by clicking the next and previous arrows.

The information on this component is also available on the Payment Estimate Project Summary report. For the selected contract project, the component displays read-only values in these fields:

The lower portion of the component lists three columns of data: Previous Pay Est, This Pay Estimate, and Total (All Pay Est). In each column, the component displays data in these fields:

Related topics:

Viewing Payment Estimate Projects


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