Maintaining a DSR Material SMFMI

In this Topic

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    2. Tasks

The DSR Material component enables you to record information related to a single SMFMI on a DSR. The type of information recorded includes quantities received, quantities shipped, and component materials. When quantities shipped or received are recorded here, the system automatically updates the net inventory quantity of the SMFMI. Depending on your agency options, the system may also automatically update the net inventory quantity of SMFMIs related to other sources, allowing you to track the movement of material from one source to another.

To access this component, click the Materials tab on the Daily Source Report Summary, locate the SMFMI for which you want to record information, and click the SMFMI field link.

The DSR Material component contains the following tabs:

Production Details

Access information about quantities of material received from sources, facilities, or other SMFMIs. See Recording Material Quantities Received.

Destination Sources/Facilities

Access information about quantities of material sent to other sources or facilities. See Recording Material Quantities Shipped to Sources and Facilities.

Destination Contracts

Access information about quantities of material sent to other contracts. See Recording Materials for Destination Contracts.


Access information about materials that are components of the DSR material. See Recording Component Materials on a DSR.

Quick links are displayed in blue text below the Menu Bar and above the webpage title. These links allow you to quickly jump to application pages related to the current page.

The component Actions menu has the following functions:


Select Create New Sample Record to create a new sample record that includes information recorded on the DSR. If recorded on the DSR, the following information is copied to the new sample record: material, sampler, geographic area, facility, source, and SMFMI. See Creating a Sample Record.

If an action relationship is set up to associate an agency view with the DSR material, you can access the agency view by selecting its name from the Actions menu on the component header. See Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material Category and Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material for more information.


Select Sample Records to manage sample records associated with the selected material or SMFMI. See Managing DSR Sample Records.

Select Attachments to manage attachments. The Attachments link includes the number of files attached to this record. See Working with Attachments.

Select Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Select Links to manage links. See Working with Links.

If your agency has associated agency views, they will display in this section, alphabetically. Select an agency view to go to the Agency View Summary component. You can modify data in agency views with an Active association, and view data in Inactive agency views where data exists.

Click the Save button when you are finished.


Related topics:

Recording Materials on a DSR

Understanding Calculations on SMFMIs

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