Understanding Calculations on SMFMIs

A source material facility material identification, or SMFMI, is a way to uniquely identify a like material supplied by the same source or facility, such as a batch, lot, seal, or stockpile.

Once created, the SMFMI tracks its batch as it is shipped to other sources or facilities, documented on sample records and daily source reports, and incorporated into contract items as recorded on acceptance records. As the batch is consumed or replenished, its initial quantity, recorded in the Quantity field, is updated in the Pending Net Inventory Quantity and Net Inventory Quantity fields. 

The calculation of the two inventory fields is as follows. The system begins with the value in the SMFMI’s Quantity field, and subtracts from it all those quantities recorded as having been shipped elsewhere. Daily Source Reports that are associated with the SMFMI record some of these, on the Destination Sources/Facilities and Destination Contracts tabs of the relevant DSR Material SMFMI page. These can include material quantities shipped to facilities, sources, and contracts (with optional specification of the contract line item number that is the material’s destination). The system also subtracts the value in the Represented Quantity field of all material acceptance records linked to the SMFMI, so long as their SMFMI Decrementation checkbox is checked, as well as the value in the Represented Quantity field of all sample records linked to the SMFMI. The only distinction between the Net Inventory Quantity field and the Pending Net Inventory Quantity field is that the former includes quantities represented by sample records in all sample statuses, while the latter ignores quantities on sample records with a status of Void. 

The system also adds to the inventory fields quantities recorded as received on the SMFMI or sent from elsewhere. This includes quantities recorded as received on DSRs associated to the SMFMI (on the Production Details tab of the relevant DSR Material SMFMI page), whether from sources, facilities, or other SMFMIs. If the Update Destination SMFMI with DSR Material Dest Quantity agency option is set to True, then the system also increases the SMFMI’s inventory fields by any quantities of the SMFMI’s material that have been recorded as shipped to the SMFMI’s source/facility from other DSR-linked SMFMIs with the same name. Note that, if the destination SMFMI includes a brand name, then the brand on the shipping SMFMI also needs to match in order for its shipped quantity to be added to the receiving SMFMI’s inventory fields. Inventory values are recalculated every time relevant information is saved, so editing the Quantity field of an SMFMI or any of the records linked to it will update the SMFMI’s Net Inventory Quantity and Pending Net Inventory Quantity fields.

SMFMI Inventory Quantity equation in schematic form:

SMFMI Inventory Quantity = SMFMI Quantity + DSR Received from SMFMI Quantity + DSR Received from Sources Quantity + DSR Received from Facilities Quantity - DSR Destination Contracts Quantity - outgoing DSR Destination Sources Quantity - outgoing DSR Destination Facilities Quantity + incoming DSR Destination Sources Quantity + incoming DSR Destination Facilities Quantity - Contract Material Acceptance Record Represented Quantity where SMFMI Decrementation is turned on - Sample Record Represented Quantity where Sample Record Status is appropriate



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