In this Topic
The Production Details tab on the DSR Material component is used for recording DSR Material quantities that have been received from other SMFMIs, facilities, and sources. where quantities can be recorded for the DSR material received from other SMFMIs, facilities, and sources. The tab is organized into separate sections that list quantities of materials received from each production type: SMFMI, facilities, and sources. Expand and collapse each section as needed.
The Received from SMFMI section on the DSR Material component contains a list of all the recorded quantities of the DSR material that have been received from another SMFMI.
Each row displays an Actions menu, a count of how many remarks have been recorded for the SMFMI, and values for these fields:
To add or change quantities for a material, expand the row to display all the available information. Click in the Quantity field and type a new value.
To record a remark, first select the type of remark from the Type field, and then enter explanatory text in the Remarks text box.
To delete a material received, select Delete from the row Actions menu on the material row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
Follow these steps to add one or more SMFMIs from which the DSR material has been received:
In the Received from SMFMI section on the DSR Material component, click the Select SMFMI button.
The system displays a modal window for selecting SMFMIs. The modal window lists all active SMFMIs with the same material as the DSR and for which the DSR source/facility has SMFMI authority.
In the Select SMFMI window, use the Quick Find search box to locate the SMFMI from which you received materials.
The system lists all the SMFMIs that match your search criteria.
Click the row for each SMFMI from which you received quantities of the DSR material.
The system adds a check mark beside each selected SMFMI and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Click the Add to Production Details button.
The system closes the window and takes you to the Production Details tab of the DSR Material component with rows for the new materials received added to the list.
Type a value in the Quantity field of each new row.
Click the Save button.
The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
The Received from Facilities section on the DSR Material component contains a list of all the recorded quantities of the DSR material that have been received from a facility. Each row displays an Actions menu, a count of how many remarks have been recorded for the SMFMI, and values for these fields:
To add or change quantities for a material, expand the material's row to display all the available information. Click in the Quantity field and type a new value.
To record a remark, first select the type of remark from the Type field, and then enter explanatory text in the Remarks text box.
To delete a material received, select Delete from the Actions menu on the material row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
Follow these steps to add one or more facilities from which the DSR material has been received:
In the Received from Facilities section on the DSR Material component, click the Select Facilities button.
The system displays a window for selecting Facilities. All active facilities are listed.
In the Select Facilities window, use the Quick Find search box to locate the facility from which you received materials.
The system lists all the facilities that match your search criteria.
Click the row for each facility from which you received quantities of the DSR material.
The system adds a check mark beside each selected facility and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Click the Add to Production Details button.
The system closes the window and takes you to the Production Details tab of the DSR Material component with rows for the new materials received added to the list.
Type a value in the Quantity field of each new row.
Click the Save button.
The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
The Received from Sources section on the DSR Material component contains a list of all the recorded quantities of the DSR material that have been received from a source. Each row displays an Actions menu, a count of how many remarks have been recorded for the SMFMI, and values for these fields:
To add or change quantities for a material, expand the material row to display all the available information. Click in the Quantity field and type a new value.
To record a remark, first select the type of remark from the Type field, and then enter explanatory text in the Remarks text box.
To delete a material received from a source, select Delete from the Actions menu on the material row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
Follow these steps to add one or more sources from which the DSR material has been received:
In the Received from Sources section on the DSR Material component, click the Select Sources button.
The system displays a window for selecting sources. All active sources are listed.
In the Select Sources window, use the Quick Find search box to locate the source from which you received materials.
The system lists all the sources that match your search criteria.
Click the row for each source from which you received quantities of the DSR material.
The system adds a check mark beside each source you select. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Click the Add to Production Details button.
The system closes the window and takes you to the Production Details tab of the DSR Material component with rows for the new materials received added to the list.
Type a value in the Quantity field of each new row.
Click the Save button.
The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Understanding Calculations on SMFMIs