Maintaining Contract Material Acceptance Records on a DWR

An acceptance record enables you to record actual material usage and acceptance information on a contract project. This can include field inspection, sample, certification, or agency view information. The Acceptance Records tab on the Contract Daily Work Report Summary lists rows of items posted on the DWR, along with rows of acceptance records for materials used to accomplish the installation of each contract item.

Whenever a new item is posted on the DWR on the Postings tab, a new item posting record is automatically added to the list on the Acceptance Records tab. When a value is saved in the Material Set field for an item posting, the system automatically creates acceptance records for each material in the material set (see Creating Acceptance Records for a DWR Item Posting).

On the Acceptance Records tab, each item posting row includes an Actions button and current values in these fields:

When you enter a value in the Material Set field and save your changes, the system automatically generates contract material acceptance records for the materials in the selected material set. After a resulting acceptance record is modified, you can no longer change the value in the Material Set field.

You can expand an item posting row to view rows of acceptance records for materials associated with the posted item. Each acceptance record row includes an Actions button and read-only values in these fields:

Expand an acceptance record row to view or change values in these fields:

The following fields should be in the right column:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed. In the Source field, you can enter a source that has an active association with the material. In the Facility field, you can enter a facility that has an active association with the material and that is also a child facility of the selected source. If you enter a value in the SMFMI field, it must be an SMFMI associated with the material, source, and facility if specified; and the contract associated with the DWR must have either contract-specific SMFMI authority or global SMFMI authority.

If the material documented in the acceptance record is set to require a brand, you must enter a value in the Source and Brand ID fields. The system filters the available brands to show only brands for the selected source. If you enter values in the Facility or SMFMI fields, the system applies additional filters to show only those brands for the selected facility and/or SMFMI.

To copy an acceptance record, select Copy from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row. The system adds a new acceptance record to the list under the same item material set posting as the original record. When you copy an acceptance record, the system does not copy any information about the sample, sampler, or information recorded using an associated agency view.

To copy an acceptance record to multiple Contract Project Item Material Sets, select Copy DWR Acceptance Records to Items… from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row. Unlike copying an acceptance record to one material set, when you copy an acceptance record to multiple material sets, the system does copy information about the sample and sampler, as well as information recorded using an associated agency view.

In the Copy DWR Acceptance Record to Items window, the Material field displays the material acceptance record being copied. The system displays the following filters:

  1. Select items from the list or use the Quick Find search box to locate the items you want to add.

  2. Click the Copy button to apply your changes.

To delete a contract material acceptance record, select Delete from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row. You cannot delete an acceptance record if it is associated with a sample record, or if data is entered in an associated agency view. To reverse the deletion, click the Undo button.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

To create a sample record associated with an acceptance record, select Create New Sample Record from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row (this action is available only for acceptance records that are not already associated with a sample record). The system takes you to the Create New Sample Record component (see Creating a Sample Record from a DWR Acceptance Record). In addition, the system associates the sample record with the contract project item material set that corresponds to the DWR item posting, and it enters values in the Sample ID, Sampler ID, and Sample Date fields on the acceptance record (see Maintaining Contract Project Items for a Sample Record).

To access additional information about a sample record associated with an acceptance record, click the Sample ID link or select Open Sample Record from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row (this action is available only for acceptance records that are already associated with a sample record). The system takes you to the Sample Record Summary (see Maintaining a Sample Record).

To access additional information about a material associated with an acceptance record, select Material from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row. The system takes you to the Material Summary (see Maintaining a Reference Material).

If a source is associated with an acceptance record, you can select Source from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row to go to the Source Summary (see Maintaining a Source).

If a facility is associated with an acceptance record, you can select Facility from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row to go to the Facility Summary (see Maintaining a Facility).

If an SMFMI is associated with an acceptance record, you can select SMFMI from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row to go to the Source Material Facility Material Identification Summary (see Maintaining Source Material Facility Material Identifications).

If an action relationship with the documentation type Daily Work Report exists for a material or its material category (see Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material and Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material Category), and the action relationship specifies an agency view, you can access the agency view by selecting its name from the Actions menu on the acceptance record row. Note that associated agency views can be modified only when the contract is active and the DWR is in Draft status.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Contract Daily Work Report

Posting Items to a DWR

Maintaining Acceptance Actions for a Contract Material

Understanding Calculations on SMFMIs


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