In this Topic
The Postings tab on the Contract Daily Work Report Summary contains a list of all the items posted on this DWR for each contractor on site. Item postings are grouped by Item ID in accordion rows. Each row contains an Actions button, a count of how many posting records are listed in the row, and current information for these fields:
To delete all the postings for an item, select Delete from the Actions menu on the item row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button. When you delete item postings, the system deletes usage data for any associated agency views.
To add a new item for posting to this DWR, click the Select Items button. For more information, see Adding Items to the DWR for Posting.
Expand an item row to view a list of postings for the item. Postings are organized by contractor in subordinate accordion rows. Each row contains an Actions button and current information for these fields:
Expand a posting row to view or change the following information about the item posting:
To view or change spatial coordinate information for the posting, expand the Location section of the posting row. You can add or change information in these fields:
To add a new posting for an item, select New Posting from the Actions menu on the item row. The system adds a new row to the list of postings for that item. All fields in the new row are blank. To create a new posting, you must enter information in the Contractor field. Record information in other fields as needed.
To delete a posting, select Delete from the Actions menu on the posting row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button. When you delete an item posting, the system deletes usage data for any associated agency views.
To view or enter usage data for a posting by using an associated DWR agency view, select the name of the DWR agency view from the Actions menu on the posting row. Data in associated agency views can be entered and modified only when the contract is active and the DWR is in Draft status. In addition, the association between the agency view and the contract item must also be active (see Maintaining DWR Agency Views for Reference Items and Maintaining DWR Agency Views Contract Item Associations).
To calculate the quantity posted amount, select DWR Return Quantity Tracking from the Actions menu on the posting row. This option is available only when the proper associations are set up between the DWR Return Quantity Tracking agency view and the contract item. See Calculating the DWR Item Posting Quantity for more information.
When you are finished maintaining item postings for the DWR, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Note: This feature is available only if your agency configures the component metadata to display it.
The Materials section of a posting row enables you to modify the installed material quantity and override the quantity calculated by the system when needed.
To modify the installed quantity, expand the Materials section. You can change information in this field:
You can view but not change information in these fields:
If changes are made to the Conversion Factor and Material Unit fields on the contract project item material set material, the system does not update the Installed Quantity value on this tab.
If the Overwritten field is No, then the system will update the Installed Qty field when changes are made to the Quantity Posted field on the DWR Item Posting. If the Overwritten field is Yes, then the system will not update the Installed Qty field when changes are made to the Quantity Posted field.
To select a new item for posting to a DWR, follow these steps:
On the Contract Daily
Work Report Summary, click the Postings
tab, and then click the Select Items
The system displays a modal window
for selecting DWR items.
In the window, locate the items you want to post. There are a number of ways to make this easier. In addition to typing criteria in the Quick Find search box, you can use the filters at the top of the window to list only those items that belong to a specific project, category, or contractor. You can also limit the item list to only those items that have been marked complete by selecting the Item Complete check box.
Click the row for
each item you want to post.
The system adds a check mark beside
each item you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click
the selected row again.
Click the Save
The system closes the modal window,
adds the new items to the list on the Postings
tab, and displays a message to confirm
that your changes were saved.
Attention flags allow you to place a temporary reminder or comment on a DWR item (much as you would use a sticky note on a paper document). When attention flags are recorded for a DWR item posting, the system displays the number of flags in the Attention field in the posting row.
To view attention flags for an item on the Postings tab, select DWR Item Attention Flags from the Actions menu on the item row. The system displays a modal window that lists attention flags for the selected item.
To modify an existing attention flag in the modal window, click in the click in the Comments field and change the text as needed. The remaining fields for the attention flag are read-only and updated by the system.
To delete an attention flag in the modal window, select Delete from the Actions menu on the attention flag row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
To add an attention flag, click the New button. The system adds a new row to the list of attention flags in the modal window. Enter a value in the Comments field as needed.
If you want to close the modal window without saving your changes, click the Close button. The system closes the modal window without saving your changes.
If you want to save your changes in the modal window, click the Save button. The system closes the modal window and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved. If you added or deleted attention flags, the system updates the value in the Attention field.
To view or maintain all the attention flags recorded for the contract, including DWR items and contract items, navigate to the Contract Items component, and then select All Attention Flags from the Actions menu on the component header. For more information, see Using Attention Flags.
For each item posted on the Postings tab, the system automatically adds an item posting record to the list on the Acceptance Records tab. If the item posting includes a value in the Material Set field, the system automatically creates acceptance records for each material in the material set.
For more information, see Maintaining Contract Material Acceptance Records on a DWR.
Maintaining a Contract Daily Work Report