In this Topic
Contract authority works in conjunction with other security features to give users the authority to access and change contract information.
The Contract Authority tab on the Contract Administration Summary component contains all the contract authority information that has been recorded for this contract. The tab is organized into separate sections for contract-specific authority and office-wide authority. Each section includes a list of all contract authorities of that type.
Note: For agencies using mobile applications, such as Field Interviewer, Mobile Inspector, and Mobile Tester, users must be assigned contract-specific contract authority in order to access contract data and enter information in the mobile application. Assigning All Contract Access or inheriting office-wide contract authority does not provide the user with contract access in the mobile applications. For more information, see Setting Up Access for Mobile Applications.
This section on the Contract Authority tab contains a list of all the contract authorities that have been assigned specifically for this contract, listed by person.
Each row displays an Actions button and current values for the Active, Person, Role, Effective Date, Expiration Date, and Status fields. To view or maintain a contract specific contract authority, click anywhere in a row to expand it. The system highlights the row and displays information in labeled fields. Depending on the security rights for your active role, you can view or change information in these fields:
To assign contract authority to a person for this contract, click the New button. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the list. All fields in the new row are blank. You must enter information in all fields that display a red asterisk. Record information in other fields as needed.
Note: In order to access, add, change, or delete a contract authority record, the current user must be logged on with a role that has the appropriate contract authority assignable role OR contract authority assign all roles (see Assigning Contract Authority Assignable Roles to a Role). In addition, the current user's role must have one of the following: contract authority for the specific contract, or office-wide contract authority for the administrative office associated with the contract, or all contract access.
Click Save when you are finished to save all the contract authorities added in this session. The system displays a message to confirm that the new information was saved in the database.
Note: To add multiple users to a contract or to add multiple contracts to a user, go to the Contract Specific Authority Overview. Access this page by clicking the Contract Specific Authorities link in the Construction component (see Managing Contract Specific Authorities).
This section on the Contract Authority tab contains a list of all the office-wide contract authorities in the system that would include this contract, listed by person. An office-wide contract authority allows a role to view or modify any contract delegated to the office to which the person is assigned. This section also lists contract authorities for persons who have access to this contract as a result of being assigned All Contract Access.
The information in this list is for viewing only and cannot be changed. To view an office-wide contract authority, click anywhere in a row to expand it. The system highlights the row and displays information in these fields: