Assigning Contract Authority Assignable Roles to a Role

Contract authority works in conjunction with other security features to give users the authority to access and change contract information.

The Assign Contract Authority Assignable Role Overview component allows you to assign contract authority assignable roles to a selected role. Users to whom you assign contract authority assignable roles will then in turn be able to assign contract authority to other roles, either by specific contract or office-wide by the agency office where they work.

To access this component from the Role Summary component, click the Assign Contract Authority Assignable Roles quick link.

The Assign Contract Authority Assignable Role Overview component contains a list of all the roles for which the selected role is authorized to assign contract authority. Each row in the list displays the Role ID for the assignable role and an Action button.

To authorize the selected role to assign contract authority to all roles, select the All Roles check box. Once selected, you cannot add additional assignable roles to this role.

If the All Roles check box is not selected, you can add one or more selected assignable roles to the role by following these steps:

  1. Click the Select Roles button.

    The system displays a modal window for selecting roles.

  2. In the modal window, first locate the role you want to add by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or click Show first 10 to display all the roles in the system, ten at a time.

    The system lists all the roles that meet your search criteria.

  3. Click the row for each role you want to add.

    The system adds a check mark beside each role you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.

  4. Click the Add to Role button.

    The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Assign Contract Authority Assignable Role Overview with the new roles added to the list.

To delete an assignable role, select Delete from the Actions menu on the role's row.

Click Save when you are finished. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Related topics:

Managing Security Roles


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