Managing Contract Specific Authorities

Contract authority works in conjunction with other security features to give users the authority to access and change contract information. For complete information, see Maintaining Contract Authorities.

The Contract Specific Authority Overview expands the functionality of the Contract Administration Summary by allowing you to assign a single contract authority to multiple users or multiple contract authorities to a single user. To access the Contract Specific Authority Overview, click the Contract Specific Authorities link in the Construction component.

On the Contract Specific Authority Overview, each row represents a single contract authority record. Each row contains an Actions button and the current values for the following fields:


To make changes to a contract authority record, first locate the record by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box. The displayed rows will update to reflect contract authority records that match your search criteria.

Click in the Effective Date, Expiration Date, and Status fields to edit them directly. Then, click the Save button in the component header.


To add multiple users to a contract, click the Add Users to a Contract… button or select Add Users to Contract... from the Actions menu on the contract row. In the modal window:

  1. If there is no contract listed in the Contract field, click in the field and select the contract.

  2. Select Status, Effective Date, and Expiration Date, if applicable.

  3. Click the row to select users from the list or use the Quick Find search box to search for users.

The system adds a check mark beside your selection and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the row again.

  1. Click the Add to Contract Specific Authorities button.


To add multiple contracts to a user, click the Add Contracts to a User… button. In the Add Contracts to a User window:

  1. Click in the User Role field and select the role.

  2. Select Status, Effective Date, and Expiration Date, if applicable.

  3. Click the row to select multiple contracts from the list or use the Quick Find search box to search for contracts.

The system adds a check mark beside your selection and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the row again.

  1. Click the Add to Contract Specific Authorities button.


To delete a contract authority record, select Delete from the Actions menu on the contract row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.


Related topics:

Maintaining a Contract

Maintaining Contract Authorities