Managing Contract Vendor Payrolls

When required by the agency, payrolls associated with the work performed must be recorded, reviewed, and approved by the agency. The approval process ensures that the calculations in the payroll are correct and that federal guidelines for wages and fringe benefits have been followed.

The Contract Certified Payroll Overview page enables you to manage, review, and progress all payroll records associated with a specific vendor on the contract.

To access the Contract Certified Payroll Overview, navigate to the Vendor Payrolls Overview, and select Open from the Actions menu on the appropriate contract vendor row. For information about the payroll management workflow, see Working with Contract Vendor Payrolls.

Payrolls are grouped on two tabs. The tabs are identical except that the Vendor Payrolls tab lists contract vendors' own payrolls and the Proxy Payrolls tab lists payrolls that have been submitted on behalf of subcontractors by contractors higher in the payroll hierarchy.

The upper part of both tabs contains the payroll vendor's Vendor ID and Vendor Short Name.

The lower part of both tabs contains a rolling list of all the payrolls currently recorded for the vendor and contract. Each row displays an Action button and current values for the following fields:

To delete a payroll record, select Delete from the Actions menu on the payroll's row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

When you are finished, click Save to apply your changes. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

To change or progress a payroll record, click the link in the Payroll field, or select Summary from the Actions menu on the payroll's row. The system takes you to the External Certified Payroll component. For more information, see Maintaining a Payroll Record.

To manually enter a new payroll record for the contract, select Add New Payroll from the Actions menu on the component header. For more information, see Adding a Contract Payroll.

To import a payroll from a payroll vendor, select Import Payroll from the Actions menu on the component header. For more information, see Importing a Payroll.

To add new payroll to the contract by copying an existing payroll, select Copy from the Actions menu on the payroll's row. For more information, see Copying a Payroll.

To maintain employee information for employees on a payroll, select Employees from the Action menu on the payroll's row. For more information, see Maintaining Payroll Employees.

To maintain the status of a payroll, including transitions and payroll exceptions, select Status from the Action menu on the payroll's row. For more information, see Maintaining Payroll Status.

To make a change to a payroll at a point in the workflow when the payroll record can no longer be edited, select Create Modification from the Actions menu on the payroll's row. For more information, see Creating a Payroll Modification.

Related topics:

Working with Contract Payrolls

Locating a Payroll Record

Adding a Contract Payroll

Maintaining a Payroll Record

Copying a Payroll

Importing a Payroll


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