Importing a Payroll

You can import payrolls as long as the import file is in an .xml format that matches the transXML payroll schema.

Follow these steps to import one or more payrolls:

  1. Navigate to the Vendor Payrolls Overview component.

  2. Select Import Payroll from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The system takes you to the Import component.

  3. On the Import component, first locate the file you want to import by clicking the Select File button.

    The system opens the browser's Choose File to Upload window.

  4. In the Choose File to Upload window, navigate to the files you want to import, select them, and click the Open button.

    The system validates the file type and if correct, displays the selected file names on the Import component. If the file is in the proper file format for the payroll, the component header label changes to Payroll Import. If this does not occur, the selected file is not in the proper format for importing a payroll.

  5. Click the Import button to begin the import process.

    The system begins the import process.

    After the import is complete, the system displays a Payroll Import Submitted message above the component header. To determine if the payroll imported successfully, click the
    Go to Process History Payroll Import Notification link. You can view the resulting output files on the Process History Overview component (see Viewing Process History). The Payroll Import Notifications tab contains the process history for each payroll file imported. The Success indicator indicates if the payroll file was successfully imported.

    The system also generates two log files. If there is an error in the payroll file, you can review that information in ImportPayrollFile.log. If errors occurred during the import, the log file includes a description of each error, saved to Error.log (overwriting any existing log file with the same name).

    The system automatically saves the import files as attachments to the payroll.

Related topics:

Finding Vendor Contract Payrolls


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