In this Topic
To add a contract payroll by direct data entry, navigate to the Contract Certified Payroll Overview and select Add New Payroll from the Actions menu on the component header. For information about importing a payroll you received electronically, see Importing a Payroll.
On the Add Certified Payroll component, you must enter information in these fields in order to save a new payroll:
Note: Payroll periods cannot overlap. That is, you cannot create a payroll record with a Begin Date that is earlier than a previous payroll's End Date. If the payroll is for a Federal Aid Contract, the payroll period cannot be longer than seven days.
It is not required, but you can add additional information about the payroll in the Comments field if needed.
When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that the records were saved in the database and takes you to the External Certified Payroll component, where the payroll record is maintained (see Maintaining a Payroll Record).
If you want to add new payroll that is similar to an existing payroll, you can save time by creating a copy of an existing payroll (for more information, see Copying a Payroll).
After saving the new payroll, the system allows you to add benefit program information if both of the following conditions are met:
the Fringe Benefit Payment Type for the payroll is set to either Plan Funds or Plan Funds with Exceptions, and
the Fringe Benefit Program Entry Indicator agency option is set to True for your installation.
If both conditions are met, the system displays a Benefit Programs subheader in the lower part of the component. To add a benefit program, click the New button below the subheader. The system adds a new expanded accordion row. All fields in the new row are blank.
To save a payroll benefit program, you must enter information in these fields:
If the Benefit Program Type is set to Fringe Other 1 or Fringe Other 2, you must also record a Benefit Program Classification; otherwise, this information is optional.
If you want to add more than one benefit program, click the New button again when you have finished entering information for the current row. The system adds a new blank row to the component. Follow the same steps to continue adding as many benefit programs as needed.
To delete a newly added row, click the Delete button at the end of the row. The system deletes the row immediately.
To delete a saved benefit program, select Delete from the Actions menu on the benefit program row. To reverse the deletion, click the Undo button.
When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.