Copying a Payroll

If you are setting up a new payroll that is similar to an existing payroll, you can save time by creating a copy of the existing payroll, assigning it a new payroll ID, beginning and ending dates, and changing any other details required for the new payroll.

Follow these steps to copy a contract payroll:

  1. On the Contract Certified Payroll Overview page or the Certified Payroll page, locate the payroll you want to copy, and select Copy from the Actions menu.

    The system takes you to the Copy Certified Payroll component.

  2. Click in the New Payroll Number field, and enter a unique payroll number for the new payroll.

  3. Enter a new Begin Date and End Date for the payroll.

  4. Click the Copy Payroll button.

    The system copies all information in the source payroll to the new payroll, sets all employee hours and wages to 0.00, and displays the new payroll on the Certified Payroll page.

Related topics:

Adding a Contract Payroll

Maintaining a Payroll Record


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