In this Topic
The External Payroll Employees page allows you to maintain payroll-related information for all the payroll employees in the selected payroll. To access the Payroll Employees page, navigate to the Contract Certified Payroll Overview, and select Employees from the Actions menu on the appropriate payroll row.
Note: Non-agency users (prime contractors and subcontractors) can view payroll information for their employees and for subcontractors lower in the payroll hierarchy, for all payroll phases except Initial. However, only non-agency users with vendor authority are able to edit payroll and employee information.
The External Payroll Employees page includes two components: Contract and Employees. For information about the Contract component, see Viewing Contract Payroll Information.
On the Employees component, you can add employee classifications, hours worked, wages, payroll deductions, and exceptions. Each type of information is contained in a separate expandable section.
Access the information for a specific payroll employee by clicking the down arrow in the Employees box on the component subheader and selecting the employee in the list. You can also select an employee by using the arrow buttons on the right side of the subheader to scroll through all the employees in the payroll.
In the upper section of the component, the system displays the following fields for the employee currently selected in the Employees box:
Employee (First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name)
For a full set of information, click the Employee Information link to open the Payroll Employee modal window. From this modal window, you can view or change information in the following fields:
Employee Details
Address Information
The zip code field can accommodate alphanumeric postal codes up to 10 characters in any format, providing flexibility for agencies that work with individuals and organizations located outside the United States.
Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.
If you change a salaried employee to a non-salaried employee (that is, you change the Payment Type to Hourly), the system automatically makes these changes:
Straight Time Hourly Rate and Overtime Hourly Rate fields become available on the Employees component. You must enter information in these fields in any associated employee labor records.
The Salaried Employee Hours field is changed to Straight Time Hours and Overtime Hours.
If you change a non-salaried employee to a salaried employee (that is, you change the Payment Type to Salaried), the system automatically makes these changes:
Straight Time Hourly Rate and the Overtime Hourly Rate fields on any associated Employee Labor record disappear.
Straight Time Hours and Overtime Hours on any associated Employee Labor Hour record are changed to the Salaried Hours field.
Click Save when you are finished. The system closes the modal window and returns you to the Employees component. Make additional changes to data in the Employees component as needed. When you are finished, click the Save button on the Employees component header.
The process for adding an employee to the payroll depends on whether the employee is already recorded in the system reference data.
If the employee is already recorded in the system as a reference employee, follow these steps:
Select Add Ref Employees from the Actions menu on the Employee component header.
The system displays a modal window for selecting employees from the Reference Employee list.
Locate and click the row for each employee you want to add.
The system adds a check mark beside each employee you select and shades the selected rows. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Click the Add to Employees button.
The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Payroll Employees component with the new employee's basic information added to the component.
Finish recording information for the payroll employee by entering the required information described in the sections below.
If the employee has not been recorded in the system, follow these steps:
Select Add Employee from the Actions menu on the component header.
The system displays a modal window for adding basic information for the new employee.
Enter information as needed in the Payroll Employee modal window. For more information about each field, refer to the list below.
Click the Save button.
The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Payroll Employees Summary component with the new employee's basic information added to the component.
Complete the payroll employee row by recording the required payroll information described in the sections below.
The following fields are available in the Payroll Employee modal window:
To add classification information for the employee, expand the record to display all the available information. You can view or change information in these fields:
Straight Hourly Rate (for hourly employees)
Overtime Hourly Rate (for hourly employees)
Regular Hourly Rate (for hourly employees)
Training Information
To add another classification, select Add New Project/Classification to Employee from the Actions menu on the component header.
To add labor hours for the employee, expand the record to display all the available information.
For an hourly employee, you can view or change labor hour information in these fields.
If the Labor Hour Date matches the date of a reference holiday, you must record the hours worked in the Overtime Hours field and enter a value of 0 in the Straight Time Hours field.
To record straight time hours, a value must have been entered in the Straight Hourly Rate field on this employee's Payroll Employee Labor Record. Likewise, to record overtime hours, the Overtime Hourly Rate must be recorded.
If the labor hour record is for an employee is changed from an hourly to a salaried employee, the system removes the Straight Time Hours and Overtime Hours fields from the component and displays fields for salaried hours.
For a salaried employee, you can view or change labor hour information in these fields.
To complete the hours record for a salaried employee on the payroll, you must save information in the Total Classification Salaried Hours and Total Salaried Hours fields.
To add wage information for the employee, expand the Wages section to display all the available fields.
For an hourly employee, you can view or change wage information in these fields.
For a salaried employee, you can view or change wage information in these fields.
Records for standard payroll deductions such as federal income tax and FICA are maintained as part of the Payroll Employee record. Other deductions refer to additional, irregular deductions an employee may choose to make (for example, money withheld for the employee's 401(k) plan or to pay union dues)
To add other deductions for the employee, expand the Deductions section to display all the available information. You can view or change information in these fields:
Fringe benefit exceptions are used to record a contractor's explanation of why the amount being paid on a fringe benefit for a payroll employee deviates from the standard amount. The exception may represent an increase or a decrease of the standard amount.
To add fringe benefit exceptions for the employee, expand the Exceptions section to display a list of all the fringe benefit exceptions that currently exist for the payroll employee. Each row in the list represents one fringe benefit exception.
You can view or change information in the Explanation field.
To add a new fringe benefit exception to the list, click the New button. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the rolling list of exception records. All fields in the new row are blank. To create an exception record, you must enter information in the Explanation field.
Note: You can only add a new fringe benefit exception if the Fringe Benefit Payment Type for the payroll is set to Plan Funds with Exceptions. This value can be changed on the Payroll Summary component.
To delete a fringe benefit exception, click the Delete button on the exception's row.
When you are finished adding payroll employee information, click the Save button to apply your changes to the system (including deleted information). The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Working with Contract Payrolls