Viewing Contract Payroll Information

The External Certified Payroll Status page contains information about unapproved payrolls. Access this page by navigating to the Unapproved Certified Payroll Overview component and clicking the Contract link for the payroll you want to review.

Information on this page is contained in two components. The upper part of the page displays the Contract component. The Contract component appears at the top of several pages, including the Certified Payroll Status page, the Sign Payroll page, and the Payroll Employees page; it displays read-only information about the selected payroll vendor in the following fields:


The lower part of the page contains the Status component. This component allows you to maintain all the information related to the status of the payroll. For more information about the Status component, see Maintaining Payroll Status.

To add a new payroll to the contract by copying an existing payroll, select Copy from the Actions menu on the component header (for more information, see Copying a Payroll).

To sign the payroll, select Sign Payroll from the Actions menu on the component header. If you are the prime contractor entering a payroll on behalf of one of your subcontractors, select Submit for Subcontractor from the Actions menu on the component header. The system takes you to the Sign Payroll component (for more information, see Signing Contract Vendor Payrolls).

To make a change to a payroll at a point in the workflow when the payroll record can no longer be edited, select Create Modification from the Actions menu on the component header (for more information, see Creating a Payroll Modification).

To perform a prime review on a subcontractor's payroll, select Prime Review from the Actions menu on the component header (for more information, see Performing a Prime Payroll Review).  

To import a payroll electronically, select Import Payroll from the Actions menu on the component header to go to the Import component (for more information, see Importing a Payroll).

Related topics:

Managing Contract Payrolls


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