Performing a Payroll Review

Before a tiered subcontract payroll can be processed by the agency, the prime contractor, subcontractor, and any tiered subcontractors on a contract must first review and progress all payrolls submitted and signed by their subcontractors. The Progress Tiered Payroll component links to a guided process to make this review easier.

To access this guided review process, navigate to the External Certified Payroll Status page and:

If you are a prime contractor, select Prime Review from the Actions menu on the Contract component header.

If you are a subcontractor, select Progress Tiered Payroll from the Actions menu on the Contract component header.


Follow these guided process steps to perform a payroll review:

  1. Review the payroll data displayed in the Payroll Summary Report. This report shows the details for the payroll and each employee on the payroll. When you have completed your review, click the Next arrow at the bottom of the component.

  2. Click in the Comments field and enter any information you need to record for the payroll. You can click the Previous button to return to Step 1, if needed.

  3. If your review in Step 1 determined the payroll data is unsatisfactory, add a comment to describe the issue and then click the Return to Contractor button to return the payroll to the payroll vendor for corrections. (The system sets the payroll status to Returned.)


    If your review determined the payroll data is satisfactory and you are a subcontractor, click the Progress Tiered Payroll button to progress the payroll to the next level of tiered review. (The payroll status remains in to Under Tier Review.)


    If your review determined the payroll data is satisfactory and you are the prime contractor, click the Forward to Agency button to progress the payroll to the agency for review. (The system sets the payroll status to Under Agency Review.)

    For each step in the guided review process, the system updates the Signed By field with your User ID, the First Name and Last Name fields with your name, and the Signed Date with the current system date. The system then progresses or returns the payroll.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Payroll Record


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