Managing Categories and Items

Categories are used to separate the items of work in a project into specific groups, making it easier to work with large numbers of items. For example, categories may be used to separate different types of work, funding sources, locations, or individual structures.  

The Project Category and Item Summary component contains all of the work item information for the project and allows you to organize them into categories, and alternate sets. To access the component, click the Categories and Items Quick link on the Project Summary component.

Information on the Project Category and Item Summary is grouped on seven tabs, located on the left side of the component. The component opens on the General tab, which allows you to view or change the following information:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as required. When you are finished making changes, click the Save button to apply your changes to the system. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

To manage categories and items for the project, click the following tabs:


Click this tab to organize project items in categories (see Organizing Items in Categories).

Category Alternate Sets

Click this tab to manage the project's category alternate sets (see Managing Category Alternate Sets).

Item Alternate Sets

Click this tab to manage the project's item alternate sets (see Managing Item Alternate Sets).


Click this tab to manage the items in the project, including generating bid based prices (see Managing Project Items).

To lock the project record so that no other user can make changes to it while you work, select Lock Project from the Actions menu on the component header (for more information, see Locking a Project). To unlock the project when you are finished making changes, select Unlock Project from the Actions menu on the component header.

To validate the project, select Validate from the Actions menu on the component header. For more information, see Project Validation.

To add or change project item information in a worksheet, click the Project Item Worksheet quick link (see Managing Project Items in a Worksheet).

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Managing Projects

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