In this Topic
The Project Item Worksheet lists all the items in the project and provides a quick way to enter and change item information. To access this component, go to the Project Summary and click the Item Worksheet quick link.
For information about using the standard features of a worksheet, see Working with Worksheets.
The current Project Item Total is displayed above the worksheet. Each row in the worksheet represents an item in the project. You can view or change values in these fields:
Prop Line Num, in addenda phase only. See Adding Items During the Addenda Phase.
Note: When the project or resulting proposal is associated with a cost estimate and project items have been built, the Price field on this component is read-only. Modifications to the unit price must instead be made on the cost estimate.
The Price field includes the Price Lock icon. You can click the icon to clear or select the Price Lock Flag for the item.
When you change the value in the Quantity or Price fields, the system automatically recalculates the item's Extended Amount. The system hides the Project Item Total until the changes in the Quantity and Price fields are saved. When you add or change the value in the Price field, the system sets the Estimation Type for that item to Ad Hoc.
To change the Item ID, you must choose a new ID that has not passed its Obsolete Date and that has Spec Book and Unit System values matching those of the project. When you change an Item ID, the system automatically updates the item Description, Unit, and Bid as Lump Sum fields in that item record.
When you change the Item ID for an item that contains a reference price, the system updates the Price field with the new reference item price and sets the Estimation Type field to Reference. When you change the reference Item ID for an item that does not contain a reference price, the system clears both the Price and Estimation Type fields.
To delete an item from the project, select Delete button in the Actions menu on the item row.
When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
If your agency runs the BAMS/DSS HREG profile, you can display a scatter plot for an item by selecting Open Scatter Plot from the Tasks section on the item row Actions menu. If a quantity is recorded for the item, that information is used as an additional parameter in the profile. The system displays the scatter plot in a new browser window.
When you generate item prices, the system sends information about the item to a pricing service and updates fields on the Project Item Worksheet with the results. The information sent includes the reference item ID, quantity, spec book, and the primary county. The pricing service used to calculate prices depends on your agency installation and agency option settings.
To price an item in the project, select Price Item from the Tasks section of the Actions menu on the item row. The system updates the value in the Price field and changes the Est Type to either Regression or Average, depending on which estimation model is chosen. The Ext Amount is updated automatically. The value in the Project Item Total field is cleared until you save the page and the total is recalculated.
If no historical information is available for an item, the system updates the Price field with the reference price and changes the Est Type to Reference. If reference price information is also not available, the system leaves the price as it was.
Caution: If you have entered information in the Price Comments field for an item for which you generate a bid-based price, that information will be overwritten if the bid-based price also generates pricing comments.
Follow these steps to add a new category to the project:
Select Add
New Category from the Actions
menu on the component header.
The system displays a modal window
for adding categories.
Type the Category ID and the Category Description.
If you want the category to be combined with other categories in the project that share the same section group, select the Combine Like Categories check box.
Click the Save
Category button.
The system closes the modal window
and adds the new category to the project.
The steps for adding items to the project depend on whether you are adding a single item or multiple items.
To add a new item to the project, click the New button on the Project Item Worksheet. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the worksheet. All fields in the new row are blank.
You can also insert a new item row anywhere in the worksheet by selecting the row below which you want to insert the new item and clicking the Insert Blank Row Above icon in the row Actions menu.
You can also add an item by copying another item already in the list. Select the item row you want to copy and click the Copy Row icon in the row Actions menu.
To save the new item, you must enter information in the Item ID field. If your agency requires that every item in a project be assigned to a category, you must also select a value in the Category ID field.
If you add a project item that contains a reference item price, the system enters that value in the Price field and sets the Estimation Type field to Reference.
When you are finished, click Save to apply your changes to the database.
To select one or more items to add to the project, follow these steps:
On the Project Item
Worksheet, click the Select Items
The system displays a modal window
for selecting items.
In the Select Items
modal window, use the Quick Find search box to locate the items you
want to add or click Show first 10.
The system lists all the items that
meet your search criteria.
Click the row for
each item you want to add.
The system adds a check mark beside
each item you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click
the selected row again.
You can assign the same category to all selected items by setting the Category ID field at the top of the modal window.
When you have selected
all the items you want to add, click the Add
to Project button.
The system closes the modal window
and adds the new items to the list on the Project Item Worksheet.