In this Topic
The Reference Price Task Summary lists reference price tasks that are associated with an item on a cost estimate. A price task is a method of calculating the price of an item. If a reference price task is associated with a reference item, the price task association is retained when the item is added to a cost estimate. You can also create new reference price tasks associated with a cost estimate item.
You can access the summary by navigating to Item Pricing Worksheet or the Cost Estimate Items tab on the Cost Estimate Summary, clicking the Details button to the right of the Price field, and then clicking the Reference link.
The upper portion of the Reference Price Task Summary displays information about the associated cost estimate item. You can view information in these fields:
Below the item information, the component lists rows for reference price tasks associated with this cost estimate item. You can view information in these fields:
In the row subheader:
In the row detail:
Select the Active field to include the price in the cost estimate. Clear the Active field to remove the price from the cost estimate. See Selecting Prices to include in a Cost Estimate.
Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed. You can edit price task information for items, and select which items to include in the cost estimate. See Understanding Calculations for Pricing Cost Estimate Items.
To delete a reference price task from this cost estimate item, select Delete from the Actions menu on the price task row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
To add a new reference price task to this cost estimate item, click the New button. The system adds a new row with blank fields. You must enter a value in only one of these fields: Amount, Percent of, and Percent on top. Enter other information as needed. See Understanding Calculations for Pricing Cost Estimate Items.
Note: If your agency has set the Prohibit Multiple Active Price Bases agency option to Yes, the item can have only one price task active at a time unless the active price tasks are in the same task group.
When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system recalculates the item unit price according to the active price task and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
To copy one or more reference price tasks from a reference item, select Copy Reference Item Reference Price Tasks from the Actions menu on the price task list. See Copying Reference Price Tasks from a Reference Item.
To copy one or more reference price tasks from another cost estimate item, select Copy Estimate Item Reference Price Tasks from the Actions menu on the price task list. See Copying Reference Price Tasks from a Cost Estimate Item.
To view the task groups for a cost estimate item, click the Task Groups quick link. The system takes you to the Cost Estimate Item Task Groups component. See Working with Task Groups for Cost Estimate Items.
To copy reference price tasks from a reference item to the current cost estimate item, perform these steps:
Select Copy Reference Item Reference Price Tasks from the Actions menu on the price task list.
The system displays a modal window for selecting price tasks from reference items. You can find a price task by entering criteria in the Quick Find search box. You can also select a value in the Spec Book field to filter the list according to spec book.
Click a price task to select it.
The system adds a check mark at the beginning of the row to indicate it is selected. You can click the row again to clear the selection.
Continue selecting price tasks as needed.
When you are finished, click the Copy Reference Item Reference Price Tasks button.
The system closes the modal window, adds the selected reference price tasks to the list for the cost estimate item, and saves the changes. The Price Task field displays the next available sequential number for the new price task.
The price tasks are added as inactive. You can change the active status of one or more reference price tasks if needed, and then click the Save button.
Note: If your agency has set the Prohibit Multiple Active Price Bases agency option to Yes, the item can have only one price task active at a time unless the active price tasks are in the same task group.
To copy reference price tasks from another cost estimate item to the current cost estimate item, perform these steps:
Select Copy Estimate Item Reference Price Tasks from the Actions menu on the price task list.
The system displays a modal window for selecting price tasks from other cost estimate items. You can find a price task by entering criteria in the Quick Find search box. You can also select a value in the Spec Book field to filter the list according to spec book.
Click a price task to select it.
The system adds a check mark at the beginning of the row to indicate it is selected. You can click the row again to clear the selection.
Continue selecting price tasks as needed.
When you are finished, click the Copy Estimate Item Reference Price Tasks button.
The system closes the modal window, adds the selected reference price tasks to the list for the cost estimate item, and saves the changes. The Price Task field displays the next available sequential number for the new price task.
The price tasks are added as inactive. You can change the active status of one or more reference price tasks if needed, and then click the Save button.
Note: If your agency has set the Prohibit Multiple Active Price Bases agency option to Yes, the item can have only one price task active at a time unless the active price tasks are in the same task group.
Managing Cost Estimate Items in a Worksheet
Viewing Cost Estimate Item Price Details