When editing price task information for items, you must enter price information in exactly one of these fields: Amount, Percent of, or Percent on top. See Maintaining a Bid-Based Task, Maintaining a Cost Sheet Price Task, Maintaining Cost Estimate Item Price Tasks, and Working with Reference Price Tasks for Cost Estimate Items.
Type a number in the Amount field, or click the Formula button (Σ) in the field to calculate the value. See Using the Expression Builder.
Type a number in the Percent of field.
The Percent of field indicates the reference price percentage to use for the predefined formula - percent of the total items estimate, plus typical section costs. Percent of means that this item is part of the total estimate, and therefore, the sum of all the other active non-percent-of items and the active typical sections is less than 100% of the total estimate.
The system calculates the Task Unit Price by multiplying the Percent of value by the sum of the extended amounts (excluding any percent-of reference amounts) of all the active items that are not specifically excluded from percentage calculations and the active typical section costs divided by (100 minus the sum of all Percent of values for active items in the cost estimate), i.e., by 1% of the total items, plus active typical section costs. If more than one item has a Percent of price task, the Task Unit Price for each item is calculated using the sum of the active Percent of values.
Type a number in the Percent on top field.
The Percent on top field indicates the reference price percentage to use for the predefined formula - percent of the non-percentage items estimate, plus typical section costs. Percent on top means that the cost of this item is added on top of the total estimate for all the other active non-percentage items.
The system calculates the Task Unit Price by multiplying the Percent on top value by 1% of the sum of the extended amounts (excluding any percentage-based reference amounts) for all active items that are not specifically excluded from percentage calculations and the active typical section costs, i.e., by 1% of the non-percentage items, plus active typical section costs. If more than one item has a Percent on top price task, the Task Unit Price for each item is calculated independently.
When you edit a price task, the system clears the Source Ref Item and Source Ref Spec Book fields. The Task Unit Price displays after you save your changes.
Select the Active field to include the price in the cost estimate. Clear the Active field to remove the price from the cost estimate.
Note: If your agency has set the Prohibit Multiple Active Price Bases agency option to Yes, the item can have only one price task active at a time unless the active price tasks are in the same task group.
Note: If an item includes an active Percent of or Percent on top reference price task, no other reference price tasks or bid-based price tasks can be active for the item.
Note: If a cost estimate includes items that use both Percent on top and Percent of for calculating their unit prices, Percent on top is calculated first, based on the active non-percentage items plus active typical sections. Percent of is calculated second, based on the active non-percentage items plus the active Percent on top items plus active typical sections.