Viewing Cost Estimate Item Price Details

Click the Cost Estimate Items tab on the Cost Estimate Summary and expand the row for the item you want to review. Click the Details button to the right of the Price field to review the item price for these methods:

Bid Based

Access the Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task Summary. See Maintaining a Bid-Based Task.


Access the Reference Price Task Summary. See Working with Reference Price Tasks for Cost Estimate Items.

Cost Based

Access the Cost Estimate Item Cost Sheet Overview. See Managing Cost Sheet Price Tasks.

The system displays the Active field for a method when you mark as active price tasks that are associated with the item. Clear the Active field to inactivate the associated price tasks for that method. If the item does not have a bid-based price task, the bid-based Active field does not display a check mark. If the item does not have a reference price task or a cost-based price task, the Active field is hidden. 

If you inactivate the cost estimate item so that its price is not included in the total cost of the estimate, the Active field values for the item price tasks remain unchanged. That way, it's easy to activate the item again later if you decide to include the item in the cost estimate total. 

Click the Maintain Item Price Task link to edit and analyze item price tasks for all methodologies on one component. See Maintaining Cost Estimate Item Price Tasks.

Click the Calculate Price link to calculate the bid-based item price. See Maintaining a Bid-Based Task.

Click the Price vs Quantity Analysis link to perform a quick analysis for a cost estimate item using an interactive scatter plot. See Analyzing Price Versus Quantity.

Related topics:

Using the Scatter Plot to Analyze Bid Item Prices


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