Working with Task Groups for Cost Estimate Items

In this Topic

  1. Copying a Cost Estimate Item Task Group
  2. Copying a Reference Item Task Group

A price task is a method of calculating the price of an item. A task group is a collection of price tasks.

The Cost Estimate Item Task Groups Overview enables you to view a list of task groups associated with an item on a cost estimate. If a task group is associated with a reference item, the task group association is retained when the item is added to a cost estimate. You can also create new task groups associated with a cost estimate item.

You can access the component by navigating to the Cost Estimate Summary, clicking the Cost Estimate Items tab, and selecting Task Groups from the Actions menu on the item row. You can also access the component by clicking the Task Groups quick link on either Reference Price Task Summary, the Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task Summary, or the Cost Estimate Item Cost Sheet Task Summary.

The upper portion of the component displays information about the associated cost estimate item. You can view information in these fields:

Below the item information, the component lists rows for task groups associated with this cost estimate item. You can view or change information in these fields:

To create a new task group associated with this cost estimate item, click the New button. The system adds a new row to the list. Enter a description, and click the Save button.

To remove a task group from this cost estimate item, select Delete from the Actions menu on the task group row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button. Click the Save button to apply your changes.

To view the tasks included in a task group, click the Task Group link or select Open from the Actions menu on the task group row. See Maintaining Task Groups for Cost Estimate Items.

To copy a task group from another cost estimate item, select Copy Cost Estimate Item Task Group from the Actions menu on the task group list. See Copying a Cost Estimate Item Task Group.

To copy a task group from a reference item, select Copy Reference Item Task Group from the Actions menu on the task group list. See Copying a Reference Item Task Group.

Copying a Cost Estimate Item Task Group

You can copy a task group from an item on another cost estimate to the current cost estimate item. When you copy a cost estimate item task group, any associated price tasks are also copied. If the task group includes a bid-based price task, it replaces any existing bid-based price task on the cost estimate item.

To copy a task group from an item on another cost estimate, perform these steps:

  1. Select Copy Cost Estimate Item Task Group from the Actions menu on the task group list.

    The system displays a modal window for selecting task groups from other cost estimate items. You can find a task group by entering criteria in the Quick Find search box. You can also select a value in the Spec Book field to filter the list according to spec book.

  2. Click a cost estimate item task group to select it.

    The system adds a check mark at the beginning of the row to indicate it is selected. You can click the row again to clear the selection.

  3. Click the Save to Cost Estimate Item button.

    The system closes the modal window and adds the selected cost estimate item task group to the list for the cost estimate item. The Task Group field displays the next available sequential number for the new task group.

Copying a Reference Item Task Group

You can copy a task group from a reference item to the current cost estimate item as needed. When you copy a reference item task group, any associated price tasks are also copied to the cost estimate item. If the task group includes a bid-based price task, it replaces any existing bid-based price task on the cost estimate item.

To copy a reference item task group, perform these steps:

  1. Select Copy Reference Item Task Group from the Actions menu on the task group list.

    The system displays a modal window for selecting a reference item task group. You can find a task group by entering criteria in the Quick Find search box. You can also select a value in the Spec Book field to filter the list according to spec book.

  2. Click a reference item task group to select it.

    The system adds a check mark at the beginning of the row to indicate it is selected. You can click the row again to clear the selection.

  3. Click the Save to Cost Estimate Item button.

    The system closes the modal window and adds the selected reference item task group to the list for the cost estimate item. The Task Group field displays the next available sequential number for the new task group.

Related topics:

Maintaining Item Task Groups

Maintaining Task Groups for Cost Estimate Items


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