Maintaining Vendor DBE Information

The Vendor DBE Summary contains information related to the reference vendor's DBE status. To access the DBE Summary component, click the DBE quick link on the Vendor General Summary component.

The Vendor DBE Summary component contains the following tabs:


Access certification information for the vendor. See On the Certification tab, below.

Work Codes

Access codes related to the vendor's DBE status (NAICS and Specialty codes). See Maintaining Work Codes.

Work Locations

Access work location records for the vendor. See Maintaining Work Locations.


Access  DBE certification event records for the vendor. See Maintaining DBE Certification Events.

Additional Vendor Types

Access additional vendor type records for the vendor. See Maintaining Additional Vendor Types.

Annual Data

Access annual data records for the vendor. See Maintaining Annual Data.

Officer Net Worth

Access net worth information for the vendor. See Maintaining Officer Net Worth.


On the Certification tab:

You can view or change information in these fields:




Click in a field to add, change, or delete information as needed. Click the Save button when you are finished.

Related topics:

Maintaining Vendor Information


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