In this Topic
Information such as addresses, work classifications, DBE information, and officers can be recorded about a vendor. When a vendor is linked to a proposal or contract, that vendor information is available in the proposal or contract row.
To access the Vendor Overview component, click the Vendors link in the Reference Data component. Type criteria in the Quick Find search box for the vendor you want or click Show first 10.
To open a record, click the link in the desired row or choose Open from the row Actions menu.
You can edit the Obsolete Date directly from the row list.
The component Actions menu has the following functions:
Select Add to add a new reference vendor. See Adding a Reference Vendor.
The row Actions menu has the following functions:
Select Delete to delete a vendor. Select the Undo button to reverse the delete action. Click the Save button when you are finished.
Note: You cannot delete a vendor that is currently associated with an active project or proposal.
Select Exclude from Search Results to exclude a vendor from your search.
Select Open to open the current record. See Maintaining Vendor General Information.
Select Attachments to manage attachments for a vendor. See Working with Attachments.
Select DBE to manage DBE information for a vendor. See Maintaining Vendor DBE Information.
Select General to manage general information for a vendor. See Maintaining Vendor General Information.
Select Labor to manage labor information for a vendor. See Maintaining Vendor Labor Information.
Select Links to manage links for a vendor. See Working with Links.
Select Tracked Issues to manage tracked issues for a vendor. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.
You can generate and print mailing labels when you need to mail documents or correspondence to a vendor or group of vendors. You can print one, two, or three labels or print a whole sheet of labels at a time for each vendor you select. Default settings accommodate the standard Avery 5160 peel-off self-adhesive label paper, however, your agency can modify these settings to use another label paper stock if desired. See Steps for Customizing a Report.
Follow these steps to generate vendor mailing labels:
On the Vendor Overview component, select the vendors for whom you want to print mailing labels.
Select Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar, above the webpage title.
The system takes you to the Generate Report component, which lists all the reports you can generate.
In the list of reports, select the appropriate Mailing Labels option for the labels you want to generate. (Depending on the vendor list page on which you are working, this option may be named RefVendor Mailing Labels, Proposal Vendor Mailing Labels, or Awarded Vendor Mailing Labels.)
The system adds a check mark beside each report you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Select Set Parameters from the Settings menu on the component subheader.
The system displays parameter options for the mailing labels.
In the Number of Labels box, choose the option for the number of labels you want to print for each selected vendor: 1, 2, 3, or whole page.
In the Address ID field, type the ID of the address you want to print. If you printing labels for multiple vendors, you must use the same Address ID for all vendors.
Click the Execute button on the component header.
The system displays the mailing labels in a separate browser window.
To print the labels, click the Print button on your browser's toolbar.
Note: When printing the report PDF file from the browser or PDF Reader, you may need to set the Page Scaling option in the Page Handling section of the Print window to None if you are printing mailing labels for vendors having 9 digit zip codes or several address lines.
Maintaining Vendor General Information
Maintaining Vendor Labor Information
Maintaining Vendor DBE Information
Managing Reference Data Status