Maintaining Material Acceptance Actions

An acceptance action establishes what samples, tests, or field inspections are required for the acceptance and approval of a material or material category. It may include multiple options, each with one or more rate/frequencies, such as one daily work report per contract, or three slumps test per 50 cubic yards installed, or one certification per source used, and so on. 

To access the Acceptance Action Summary, locate the appropriate row on the Acceptance Actions Overview and click the Acceptance Action link or choose Maintain Acceptance Action from the row Actions menu.

The Acceptance Action Summary contains the following tabs:


Access general information for the acceptance action. See On the General tab, below.


Access item information for the acceptance action. See Maintaining Material Acceptance Action Items.

Item Families

Access item family information for the acceptance action. See Maintaining Material Acceptance Action Item Families.


The component Actions menu has the following functions:


Select Attachments to manage attachments. The Attachments link includes the number of files attached to this record. See Working with Attachments.

Select Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Select Links to manage links. See Working with Links.

If your agency has associated agency views, they will display in this section, alphabetically. Select an agency view to go to the Agency View Summary component. You can modify data in agency views with an Active association, and view data in Inactive agency views where data exists.


On the General tab:

You can view or change information in these fields:


In the Option section:

An acceptance action specifies how your agency accepts a material or material category for use on a contract. Each acceptance action can have a different evaluation method. When evaluating material sufficiency by: 

These rate/frequencies identify the action that material testers must take to evaluate acceptance, as well as how often the action must occur to achieve material sufficiency. For example, you can test soil density and moisture with either a sand cone test or a nuclear density test. Agencies can set each of these test methods as a different option to satisfy material acceptance of soils.

Click the New button to add an option to this acceptance action. Click the Save button when you are finished. See How to specify sufficiency criteria.

You can view or change information in these fields:

The row Actions menu has the following functions: 


Select Delete to delete a record. Select the Undo button to reverse the delete action. Click the Save button.

Select Duplicate Row to copy a record. Click the Save button.

Select Insert Row on the row above where you want a new row to display. The system adds a new row directly below the selected row. Click the Save button.

Choose Select Action Relationship to add a rate/frequency row to an acceptance action option. See Adding Rates/Frequencies to an Option.


Select Attachments to manage attachments. The Attachments link includes the number of files attached to this record. See Working with Attachments.

Select Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Select Tracked Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.


In the Rate/Frequency section:

Expand an acceptance action option row to display rate/frequency rows. You can view or change information in these fields:


Click in a field to add, change, or delete information as needed. Click the Save button when you are finished.

The row Actions menu has the following functions: 


Select Delete to delete a record. Select the Undo button to reverse the delete action. Click the Save button.


Select Attachments to manage attachments. The Attachments link includes the number of files attached to this record. See Working with Attachments.

Select Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Select Tracked Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Adding Rate/Frequencies to an Option

To add a new rate/frequency row to an existing option:

  1. Locate the acceptance option in the list.

  2. Click the row Actions menu and choose Select Action Relationship.

    The Select Action Relationship modal window displays.

  3. Locate the action relationships you want to add and click to select them.

  4. Click the Add to Option button.

  5. Click the Save button.

Related topics:

Maintaining Acceptance Action Information

Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material

Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material Category

Maintaining Action Relationships for an Item

Maintaining Action Relationships for an Item Family

Understanding Business Rules for Material Acceptance Actions

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