Maintaining Action Relationships for an Item

In this Topic

  1. Maintaining Inherited Action Relationships
  2. Maintaining Additional Action Relationships
An action is a test, inspection, certification, or other action performed to or for a construction material or item. Your agency can create as many action types as needed for the way you work.

The Action Relationships tab on the Item Summary contains all of the action relationships associated with the reference item in two lists:

In both lists, each row contains an Actions button and current values for the Action Type, Action Relationship Status Type, and Action Documentation Type fields.

To maintain an action relationship, expand the row to display all the available information. Different fields are displayed depending on the value selected for the Action Documentation Type. When a documentation type is not selected, each row includes the following fields:

Maintaining Inherited Action Relationships

To delete or change information for an inherited action relationship, go to the Action Relationships tab on the Item Family Summary for this item. See Maintaining Action Relationships for an Item Family for more information.

To view or maintain the specifications associated with an inherited action relationship, click the Action Relationships tab on the Item Summary, and select Open Reference Specifications from the Actions menu on the action relationship row. The system takes you to the Reference Specifications Overview. See Managing Reference Specifications for more information.

Maintaining Additional Action Relationships

To change information for a non-inherited action relationship, locate the appropriate row in the Additional Action Relationships section of the Action Relationships tab, and click in a field and add, change, or delete information as required.

To delete a non-inherited action relationship, select Delete from the Actions menu on the action relationship row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

To add a new action relationship for this item, click the New button. The system adds a new blank row. Enter information as needed. When you select a value in the Action Documentation Type field, the system hides fields that are not relevant for the selected documentation type.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

To view or maintain the specifications associated with an action relationship, select Open Reference Specifications in the Actions menu on the action relationship row. The system takes you to the Reference Specifications Overview. See Managing Reference Specifications for more information.

To add a new reference specification to an action relationship, select Create New Reference Specification in the Actions menu on the action relationship row. The system takes you to the Add Reference Specification Summary. See Adding a Reference Specification for more information.

Related topics:

Managing Action Relationships

Maintaining Action Relationships for an Item Family


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