Adding a Contract Payment Estimate

You can add a payment estimate for an active contract after the Notice to Proceed Date has passed. Keep in mind that a contract cannot be deleted nor the transition to construction reversed after a payment estimate is added to the contract. If the contract already includes other payment estimates, they must all be approved or deleted before another payment estimate is added.

If your agency has specified in the Estimate Required Before Final agency option that a progress or semi-final payment estimate is required before the final payment estimate, you cannot add a final payment estimate until the required estimate type has been approved. After a final payment estimate has been approved, you can only add supplemental payment estimates to the contract. Final and supplemental payment estimates cannot be added to a contract that has an unapproved change order.  

To access the Add Payment Estimate component from the Contract Payment Estimate Overview, select Add Contract Payment Estimate from the Actions menu on a row for a payment estimate with the same contract as the payment estimate want to add, or you can choose Select Contract to Add Contract Payment Estimate from the component Actions menu and then specify the appropriate contract in the modal window.

To save the new payment estimate, values must be entered in the Type and Period End Date fields. The values available in the Type field are limited to the payment estimate types that are established for the contract on the Payment Estimate Approval Levels Overview.

If this payment estimate is the first added for the contract, the Period Begin Date field displays the value from the Actual Completion Date for the contract time specified in the Estimate Creation Contract Time agency option. If the contract already has payment estimates, the Period Begin Date field displays the Period End Date from the most recent approved payment estimate plus one second.

The default value shown in the Period End Date field is determined by the value in the Estimate Pay Period Frequency agency option. You can enter a different Period End Date if needed.

When you are finished adding information, click the Execute Add Contract Payment Estimate button.

The system creates the new payment estimate in Draft status with the next sequential payment estimate number for the contract, displays a message to confirm your changes were saved, and takes you to the Exceptions tab on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary. See Maintaining Exceptions for a Payment Estimate.

When a payment estimate is added, the system updates the current amounts and previous amounts, if needed, on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary (see Maintaining a Contract Payment Estimate). Updated amounts for contract project items are displayed on the Items tab on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary (see Viewing Item Information for a Payment Estimate). Updated amounts for payment estimate projects are displayed on the Contract Payment Estimate Project Summary (see Viewing a Payment Estimate for a Contract Project).

The system locks any Daily Diaries and approved Daily Work Reports (DWRs) for the contract, and records the payment estimate number on the Daily Diaries and DWRs. The system updates the current time units charged for the Daily Diary and calculates the basis amount for contract times that require adjustments for incentive, disincentive, or liquidated damages.

Voucher records are created for any contract projects that had activity, including item adjustments, distribution amounts, and DWR item postings. If your agency has enabled the Include Vouchers With No Activity agency option, then voucher records are created for all contract projects on the payment estimate.

If you add a final or supplemental payment estimate and your agency has enabled the Close Contract Upon Final Estimate or Close Contract Upon Supplemental Estimate agency options, respectively, the system automatically closes the associated contract.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Contract Payment Estimate

Managing Contract Payment Estimates

Maintaining Payment Estimate Information for a Contract


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