Maintaining Exceptions for a Payment Estimate

The Exceptions tab on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary lists exceptions and discrepancies generated for the payment estimate. You can view the list of exceptions and address them as needed to allow approval of the payment estimate. You address an exception by changing its status to Unresolved, Acknowledged, or Overridden.

You can change the status of an exception only when the payment estimate is in Draft status. When the payment estimate is changed to a status other than Draft, exceptions for the payment estimate can no longer be modified.

When a payment estimate exception would create a line item adjustment, the exception status must be set to Overridden before the adjustment is generated. If the exception has a status of Unresolved or Acknowledged, the system will not generate the line item adjustment. Line item adjustments are listed on the Item Adjustments tab (see Maintaining Item Adjustments for a Payment Estimate).

Default settings that determine how exceptions for each type of payment estimate must be addressed are set up on the Payment Estimate Exception Overview (see Maintaining Payment Estimate Exceptions). Any contract-level overrides to these settings are entered on the Contract Payment Estimate Exceptions Override component (see Maintaining Payment Estimate Exception Overrides for a Contract).

Each row on the Exceptions tab includes an Actions button and current values in these fields:

You can expand an exception row to display information in these fields:

The text in the Description field is generated by the system and cannot be modified. In the Status field, you can select either Acknowledged, Overridden, or Unresolved. Depending on agency option settings, you might be required to enter a remark if you override an exception.

To record a remark, first select the type of remark from the Type field, then enter explanatory text in the Remarks text box. To delete a newly added remark, click the Delete button to the right of the remark. You can delete a saved remark by clicking the Mark for Deletion button. You can undo the mark for deletion by clicking the Undo button.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database. For exceptions saved with a new status of Overridden, the system generates any needed item adjustments, and recalculates retainage and funding for the payment estimate.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Contract Payment Estimate

Managing Contract Payment Estimates


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