Working with System Event Actions

There are several types of actions that can be performed when a system event is triggered. These can include opening a tracked issue, updating an entity field, or sending a notification.

When you select a type of action, the system displays additional fields depending on the action selected. The following table describes the fields that are displayed with the selection of each action type and how to use each field.

For information about how to set up system issues, steps, and events, see Maintaining a System Event.



Fields Displayed


Execute Process


The Execute Process action causes the system to execute the process specified in the Process field. You can enter or select any base or custom process in the system.

Note: The Create Snapshot process is available only for system events associated with the cost estimate entity.

Data Id Field

If you want to execute the process on the entity that the issue is tracking, leave this field blank. For example, if the issue tracks a change to a proposal and you want to execute a process on the proposal, you do not need to enter a value in the Data Id Field box.

If you want to execute the process on an entity associated with the entity being tracked, enter the field name for the ID field of the entity on which the process will run. For example, if the issue tracks a change to a proposal and you want to execute a process on the associated proposal vendor, enter the name of the field that contains the proposal vendor ID in the Data Id Field box.

Generate Report


The Generate Report action causes the system to generate the report specified in the Report field. You can select any base or custom report in the system.

Output Type

Select a value to generate the report output as either PDF/HTML, Text, or XLS.

Historical Report

Select the Historical Report check box to generate the report as a historical report and attach it to the associated entity. Any report can be generated as a historical report. See Historical Reports for more information.

Data ID Field

If you want to run the report on the entity that the issue is tracking, leave this field blank. For example, if the issue tracks a change to a proposal and you want to run a report on the proposal, you do not need to enter a value in the Data Id Field box.

If you want to run the report on an entity associated with the entity being tracked, enter the field name for the ID field of the entity on which the report will run. For example, if the issue tracks a change to a proposal and you want to run a report on the associated proposal vendor, enter the name of the field that contains the proposal vendor ID in the Data Id Field box.


If the selected report requires parameters when it is generated, the system automatically populates this field with the XML information for the report parameters.

If you want to generate the report using the default values for the parameters, you do not need to modify this field.

If you want to generate the report using custom values for the parameters, modify the XML data in the Fields box as needed.

Open Issue


The Open Issue action causes the system to open a tracked issue based on the reference issue that is specified in the Issue field.

Click in the Issue field, and enter the reference issue you want the system to use as a guide for the tracked issue.

Note: The reference issue specified in the Issue field must be active. If the issue specified is inactive, the system ignores the Open Issue action.

Notify Person

Person Field

The Notify Person action sends a notification using the default email address for the person in the person ID field specified. You determine which person ID field is used by entering a value in the Person Field box.

In the Person Field box, enter the field name for the person ID field you want to use for the notification.

Note: If the person ID field is on a parent entity, include the entity name in front of the field name, separated by a period. For example, if you want to send a notification to the person who is set as the designer on a contract, and the issue is associated with a contract, you could enter DesignerId in the Person Field box. If the issue was associated with a contract item, you would instead enter Contract.DesignerId in the Person Field box.


In the Message box, enter the text you want to send as the notification.

If you want to include data values as part of the message, you can enter the field name enclosed by curly brackets as part of the message text. To embed the value of a field in the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, separated by a period. For example, to include the value in the Description field, enter {Model.Description} as part of the message text.

Exceptions to this format are the Issue Name and Issue Description fields. To include the values for these fields as part of the message, you do not need to include the word Model. In this case, enter {IssueName} or {IssueDescription}.

If you want to embed the label of a field as part of the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, and the word Label, each separated by a period. For example, to include the label for the Contract Description field, enter {Model.Description.Label} as part of the message text.

Notify User


The Notify User action sends a notification email to the user specified in the User Info ID field.

Click in the User field, and enter a user ID. Or you can press Enter to search for user IDs, and then select a user ID from the list.


In the Message box, enter the text you want to send as the notification.

If you want to include data values as part of the message, you can enter the field name enclosed by curly brackets as part of the message text. To embed the value of a field in the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, separated by a period. For example, to include the value in the Description field, enter {Model.Description} as part of the message text.

Exceptions to this format are the Issue Name and Issue Description fields. To include the values for these fields as part of the message, you do not need to include the word Model. In this case, enter {IssueName} or {IssueDescription}.

If you want to embed the label of a field as part of the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, and the word Label, each separated by a period. For example, to include the label for the Contract Description field, enter {Model.Description.Label} as part of the message text.

Notify Email Address


The Notify Email Address action sends a notification email to the selected recipient.

To specify a recipient, click in the Recipient field, and enter an email address. Or you can press Enter to search for email addresses, and then select an email address from the list.  


In the Message box, enter the text you want to send as the notification.

If you want to include data values as part of the message, you can enter the field name enclosed by curly brackets as part of the message text. To embed the value of a field in the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, separated by a period. For example, to include the value in the Description field, enter {Model.Description} as part of the message text.

Exceptions to this format are the Issue Name and Issue Description fields. To include the values for these fields as part of the message, you do not need to include the word Model. In this case, enter {IssueName} or {IssueDescription}.

If you want to embed the label of a field as part of the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, and the word Label, each separated by a period. For example, to include the label for the Contract Description field, enter {Model.Description.Label} as part of the message text.

Notify Chg Ord App Group

Group Field

The Notify Change Order Approval Group action sends a notification email to each user assigned a user role included in the approval group who also has contract authority for the contract.

In the Group Field box, enter the field name for the change order approval group field you want to use for the notification.

If the issue is associated with a Change Order Approval Group, you would enter RefChangeOrderApprovalGroupId in the Group Field box.


In the Message box, enter the text you want to send as the notification.

If you want to include data values as part of the message, you can enter the field name enclosed by curly brackets as part of the message text. To embed the value of a field in the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, separated by a period. For example, to include the value in the Description field, enter {Model.Description} as part of the message text.

Exceptions to this format are the Issue Name and Issue Description fields. To include the values for these fields as part of the message, you do not need to include the word Model. In this case, enter {IssueName} or {IssueDescription}.

If you want to embed the label of a field as part of the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, and the word Label, each separated by a period. For example, to include the label for the Contract Description field, enter {Model.Description.Label} as part of the message text.

Notify Mailing List


The Notify Mailing List action sends a notification email to the recipients on the mailing list.

Click in the Name field, and enter a mailing list ID. Or you can press Enter to search for mailing list IDs, and then select a mailing list ID.


In the Message box, enter the text you want to send as the notification.

If you want to include data values as part of the message, you can enter the field name enclosed by curly brackets as part of the message text. To embed the value of a field in the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, separated by a period. For example, to include the value in the Description field, enter {Model.Description} as part of the message text.

Exceptions to this format are the Issue Name and Issue Description fields. To include the values for these fields as part of the message, you do not need to include the word Model. In this case, enter {IssueName} or {IssueDescription}.

If you want to embed the label of a field as part of the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, and the word Label, each separated by a period. For example, to include the label for the Contract Description field, enter {Model.Description.Label} as part of the message text.

Notify Payment Estimate Approval Level

Approval Level

The Notify Payment Estimate Approval Level action sends a notification email to each user with a role that is assigned a specific payment estimate approval level and contract authority for the related contract.

In the Approval Level field, enter the name for the payment estimate approval group field you want to use for the notification.

If the issue is associated with a Payment Estimate Approval, you would enter ApprovalLevel in the Approval Level field.


In the Message box, enter the text you want to send as the notification.

If you want to include data values as part of the message, you can enter the field name enclosed by curly brackets as part of the message text. To embed the value of a field in the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, separated by a period. For example, to include the value in the Description field, enter {Model.Description} as part of the message text.

Exceptions to this format are the Issue Name and Issue Description fields. To include the values for these fields as part of the message, you do not need to include the word Model. In this case, enter {IssueName} or {IssueDescription}.

If you want to embed the label of a field as part of the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, and the word Label, each separated by a period. For example, to include the label for the Contract Description field, enter {Model.Description.Label} as part of the message text.

Notify Vendor

Vendor Field

The Notify Vendor action sends a notification using the default email address of the vendor in the specified vendor field. To determine the default email address for the vendor, the system uses the first address record with a valid email address after sorting alphanumerically by Address ID.

In the Vendor Field box, enter the field name for the vendor ID field you want to use for the notification.

Note: If the vendor ID field is on a parent entity, include the entity name in front of the field name, separated by a period. For example, if you want to send a notification to the awarded vendor on a proposal, and the issue is associated with a proposal, you could enter AwardedVendorId in the Vendor Field box. If the issue was associated with a proposal item, you would instead enter Proposal.AwardedVendorId in the Vendor Field box.


In the Message box, enter the text you want to send as the notification.

If you want to include data values as part of the message, you can enter the field name enclosed by curly brackets as part of the message text. To embed the value of a field in the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, separated by a period. For example, to include the value in the Description field, enter {Model.Description} as part of the message text.

Exceptions to this format are the Issue Name and Issue Description fields. To include the values for these fields as part of the message, you do not need to include the word Model. In this case, enter {IssueName} or {IssueDescription}.

If you want to embed the label of a field as part of the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, and the word Label, each separated by a period. For example, to include the label for the Contract Description field, enter {Model.Description.Label} as part of the message text.

Notify Role

Role ID

The Notify Role action sends a notification email to users with the selected role. If the event is triggered by contract, the system notifies only those users with the selected role and contract authority for the contract.

To specify a recipient, click in the Role ID field, and enter a role ID. Or you can press Enter to search for role IDs, and then select an ID from the list.


In the Message box, enter the text you want to send as the notification.

If you want to include data values as part of the message, you can enter the field name enclosed by curly brackets as part of the message text. To embed the value of a field in the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, separated by a period. For example, to include the value in the Description field, enter {Model.Description} as part of the message text.

Exceptions to this format are the Issue Name and Issue Description fields. To include the values for these fields as part of the message, you do not need to include the word Model. In this case, enter {IssueName} or {IssueDescription}.

If you want to embed the label of a field as part of the message, enter the word Model, followed by the field name, and the word Label, each separated by a period. For example, to include the label for the Contract Description field, enter {Model.Description.Label} as part of the message text.

Related topics:

Working with Event Triggers

Adding a System Event

Maintaining a System Event


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