Working with Mix Designs

The Mix Design Overview enables you to add, review, and manage mix designs developed for use in agency work. The overview lists all the mix designs saved in the system. You can access the overview by clicking the Mix Designs link in the Materials component.
For more information, see Assigning Vendor Authority, Overview of Source Authority and Source Management Levels, and Changing a Role.

Each row represents one mix design. Each row includes an Actions button and current values in these fields:

To access additional information for a mix design, click the Mix Design ID link or select Open from the Actions menu on the mix design row. The system takes you to the Mix Design Summary. See Maintaining a Mix Design for more information.

To add a new mix design, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. The system takes you to the Add Mix Design component. See Adding a Mix Design for more information.

To add a new mix design based on an existing design, select Copy from the Actions menu on the mix design row. The system takes you to the Copy Mix Design component. See Copying a Mix Design for more information.

To delete a mix design, select Delete from the Actions menu on the mix design row. You cannot delete a mix design if it has been approved, or if it is associated with a contract or sample record. To reverse the deletion, click the Undo button. To save your changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Mix Design


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