Managing Prime Projects

A prime project generally represents all work to be performed under a single federal project number. This work is subdivided into system projects. Each project represents a logical portion of the prime project. For example, one project might contain all of the bid items, another preliminary engineering and rights-of-way, and another non-biddable construction work such as force accounts. Keep in mind that many agencies do not use prime projects.

The Prime Projects Overview component is the gateway to managing all of the information in a prime project record. To access the Prime Projects Overview, click the Prime Projects link in the Preconstruction component.

To make changes to an existing prime project, first locate the prime project by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10. The system displays a rolling list of records for all the prime projects in the system that match your search criteria. Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To change the information in a prime project record, click the Prime Project ID link in the list, or choose Open from the Actions menu. For more information, see Changing a Prime Project.

To add a new prime project to the system, click the Add button on the component header. For more information, see Adding a Prime Project.

To delete a prime project, select Delete from the Actions menu on the project's row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button. Click the Save button to apply your changes to the system.

Related topics:

Adding a Prime Project

Changing a Prime Project

Managing Projects in a Prime Project


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