Managing Plan Discrepancies

A plan discrepancy is an inconsistency between the construction performed on a project and the intent of the contract plans and specifications. Information about plan discrepancies is recorded to aid the agency in assessing the impact on construction and addressing the discrepancy contractually.

The Plan Discrepancy Summary contains all of the information recorded about a plan discrepancy, including any related change orders, contract project items, and design evaluations.

To access the Plan Discrepancy Summary, navigate to the Plan Discrepancies tab on the Contract Documentation Summary, and then click the link in the Description field or select  Open from the Actions menu on the plan discrepancy row.

The summary opens on the General tab. You can view or change values in these fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

To record a remark, first select the type of remark from the Type field, and then enter explanatory text in the Remarks text box.

To save your changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

To maintain additional information for the plan discrepancy, click the following tabs:

Change Orders

Click this tab to view change orders associated with the plan discrepancy (see Maintaining Change Orders on a Plan Discrepancy).

Contract Project Items

Click this tab to view and maintain a list of contract project items associated with the plan discrepancy (see Maintaining Contract Project Items on a Plan Discrepancy).

Contract Design Evaluations

Click this tab to view and maintain a list of contract design evaluations associated with the plan discrepancy (see Maintaining Contract Design Evaluations on a Plan Discrepancy).


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