Maintaining a User Bid History Profile

A bid history profile is a collection of settings used to gather historical bid data for cost estimation purposes. When a bid history profile is selected during cost estimation, this collection of settings determines which historical bid data is included. For example, a bid history profile can indicate whether to include only bid data for proposals that have a given work type or use a selected spec book. A bid history profile can also indicate a range of dates so that bid data is included only for proposals that were let during that time period. Advanced parameters and filters can be used to identify data that matches exact characteristics. Source data for a Bid History Profile can also be pre-gathered to assist with pricing items. If a Bid History Profile has pre-gathered Source Data the pre-gathered data is used at the time of pricing. If a Bid History Profile does not have pre-gathered Source Data the data is gathered at the time of pricing. Your agency can create multiple bid history profiles that can be used for different types of pricing models and different types of projects.

The User Bid History Profile Summary contains all the settings and information currently entered for a bid history profile associated with a cost estimate. When a reference bid history profile is associated with a cost estimate, a copy of the profile is displayed on the User Bid History Profile Summary, where you can make changes specific to the current cost estimate. After changes are made to the profile associated with the cost estimate, the system changes the value in the User Defined field to Yes.

You can access the User Bid History Profile Summary by navigating to the Cost Estimate Summary and selecting Item Bid History Criteria from the Actions menu on the component header.

The summary opens on the General tab. The component subheader includes a link to the associated Cost Estimate. You can view or change information in these fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed. When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

To recommend the user-defined profile to be available to other users as a reference profile, select Recommend as Reference from the Actions menu on the component header. This action is available only if the user bid history profile does not already have a recommendation waiting to be approved, rejected, or deleted (see Reviewing Reference Recommendations).

To remove the recommended profile from consideration as a reference profile, select Cancel Recommendation from the Actions menu on the component header. This action is available only if the user bid history profile has a recommendation that has not been approved, rejected, or deleted (see Reviewing Reference Recommendations).

To add a new bid history profile to the system, select Add New from the Actions menu on the component header. The system takes you to the Add Bid History Profile component (see Adding a Bid History Profile).

To view or change additional settings for the user bid history profile, click the following tabs:

Data Selection

Click this tab to view or change the types of proposal and item data included in the profile calculations (see Selecting Data for a User Bid History Profile).

Basic Parameters

Click this tab to view or change basic parameters for the profile, such as the vendor or market area (see Setting Basic Parameters for a User Bid History Profile).

Advanced Parameters

Click this tab to view or change advanced parameters for the profile, such as whether to generate averages and regressions, and which variables to include in the analysis (see Setting Advanced Parameters for a User Bid History Profile).

Advanced Filters

Click this tab to view or change filters that exclude historical bid data according to specific proposal and item information (see Setting Advanced Filters for a User Bid History Profile).

Source Data

Click this tab to view the list of pre-gathered historical data for a Bid History Profile. (see Maintaining Source Data for a User Bid History Profile)


The component Actions menu has the following functions:


Select Copy to copy a Bid History Profile from an existing profile. See Copying a Bid History Profile.

Select Recommend as Reference to recommend for use as a system-wide reference profile. See Reviewing Reference Profile Recommendations.


Select Attachments to manage attachments. The Attachments link includes the number of files attached to this record. See Working with Attachments.

Select Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Select Links to manage links. See Working with Links.


If the system includes reports for this component, they will display in this section, alphabetically. Select the report you want to run. See Working with Reports.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Cost Estimate


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