Setting Advanced Filters for a User Bid History Profile

In this Topic

  1. Adding a New Filter

The Advanced Filters tab on the User Bid History Profile Summary enables you to create filter statements that narrow the historical bid data included in analysis for cost estimation. You can filter data according to proposal attributes.  

Each filter statement consists of a field, an operator, and a value. For example, you can filter the data to include only those proposals that contain the word Interchange in the Proposal Description field. Multiple filter statements can be combined together by using an And/Or operator.

To modify a filter statement, click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

To delete a filter statement, click the Delete button on the filter row.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Adding a New Filter

To add a new filter statement, perform these steps:

  1. On the Advanced Filters tab, go to the blank filter row at the bottom of the list.

  2. Click in the first field, and select And or Or. This indicates how the new filter statement will be joined to the existing filter statements. This field is not available for the first filter row.

  3. Click in the next field, and select the proposal field that will be used to narrow the data.

  4. Click in the next field, and select an operator. The operator determines how the system compares the data in the field to the specified value. The type of field you selected in the previous step determines which operators are available. For example, if you selected a numeric field, operators can include Is Equal To, Less Than, and Greater Than. If you selected a date field, operators can include Is On, Is Earlier Than, or Is Later. If you selected a text field, operators can include Begins With, Contains, or Equals.

  5. Click in the next field, and type or select a value. When historical bid data is queried using this bid history profile, the system uses the operator to compare this value to the selected field, and narrows the data accordingly.

  6. You can continue adding new filter statement rows at the bottom of the list as needed. When you are finished making changes, click the Save button.  

Related topics:

Using Advanced Filters and Sorts

Using Operators with the Advanced Filter

Maintaining a User Bid History Profile


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