Sorting and Filtering Lists

In this Topic

  1. Using the Quick Find Search Box
  2. Using Advanced Filters and Sorts
    1. Filters
    2. Sort
    3. Apply Settings
    4. Modifying Saved Settings
    5. Deleting Saved Settings

System components with lists allow you to sort and filter the list to make it easier to find specific rows. You can create advanced sorts and filters that search on multiple criteria. You can save these settings and reuse them any time you visit the component. In addition, your system administrator might have created agency filters that you share with other users.

If filters have been saved for a component, the system displays a drop-down list to the right of the Quick Find search box. The list contains an Advanced link and all of the filters and sorts for the component that were saved by the agency or the current user account. If no filters and sorts exist for the component, an Advanced link is displayed instead of a drop-down list. For information about advanced filters, see Using Advanced Filters and Sorts.

To use a saved filter or sort on the component list, click the down arrow and choose the filter or sort you want to use.

Using the Quick Find Search Box

A Quick Find search box is standard on each component that contains a list. It searches all rows in the list for a string of text and then displays only rows with fields containing that string. Follow these steps to use the Quick Find search box:

  1. Click in the Quick Find search box for a list that you want to filter.

  2. Type the string of characters you want to match or use as a delimiter. The Quick Find filter is not case-sensitive.

    After you type at least three characters and wait a moment, the system refreshes the list and displays the rows that contain the string of characters you entered. This creates a temporary filter.

  3. If you want to remove a row from the list of search results, select Exclude from Search Results on the Actions menu for that row.

    The row is removed from the list of search results. You can exclude additional rows as needed.

  4. If no rows are found that match your search criteria, you can clear the filter and try again. You can adjust the filter by replacing the text in the search box, or you can clear the filter by clicking the eraser icon on the right side of the search box.

Eraser icon

Using Advanced Filters and Sorts

Every system component that contains a Quick Find search box provides an Advanced filter link. Advanced filters allow you to create and save custom sorts and filters that search on multiple criteria. The advanced filter on worksheets also allows you to change the order in which columns are listed.

You can save sorts and filters permanently for reuse any time you visit the component. Sorts and filters are associated only with the component on which they are built and, unless the Agency-wide setting is selected, are only available for the user who created them.

Sorts and filters can be based on visible and hidden fields from the entity associated with the component, and on fields that are visible on the component but are from other entities.

When you select the Advanced filter option on most components, the system displays the Advanced Filter overlay with three sections titled Filters, Sort, and Apply Settings.


Follow these steps to create a filter:

  1. Click the down arrow in the field below the Filters header, and select the field you want to use for the filter.

    The system displays a list of operators appropriate for the selection, and a field for where you can enter the value you want to match (depending on the field you are filtering, this may be a text box, a check box, or a date field).

  2. Click the down arrow and select the operator you want to use to narrow your filter.

    Depending on the field selected, operators can include:

    Does Not Contain
    Begins with
    Is Equal To (=)
    Is Not Equal To
    Greater Than (>)
    Less Than (<)
    Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
    Less Than or Equal To (<=)
    Is Blank
    Is Not Blank
    Is On
    Is Not On
    Is Earlier Than
    Is Earlier Than or On
    Is Later Than
    Is Later Than or On
    Within Past ___ Days

    For more information about operators, see Using Operators with the Advanced Filter.

  3. Enter the value you are trying to match or want to use as a delimiter (if a text box, the filter is not case-sensitive).

  4. You can create multiple clauses in your filter. To add a second clause, select And or Or to join the first clause with the second. Then enter column, operator, and value as in steps 1-3. When multiple filter clauses are joined using the And or Or operators, the system follows the standard order of operations where And has precedence over Or.

To remove a clause from the filter, click the Delete button to the right of the clause.


Follow these steps to create a sort:

  1. Click the Sort arrow to select the field you want to use for the sort.

  2. The list will sort on the field in ascending order by default; if you want to sort in a descending order, select the Sort Descending check box.

  3. You can add more than one sorting criterion by selecting a second field. For example, you can have the Proposals Overview component sorted first by Created Date, then by Proposal ID. In this case, the system first sorts proposals by the date they were created (in ascending order by default). If two proposals were created on the same date, those two are ordered by their proposal ID (again, ascending by default).

To remove a criterion from the sort, click the Delete button to the right of the criterion.

Apply Settings

If you do not want to save your settings and only want to apply them right now, click the Apply without saving link. The system returns you to the list and immediately sorts or filters the selected component.

If you want to save your settings, follow these steps:

  1. In the Save as text box, type the name by which you want to save the filter or sort. The name must be different from any other filter or sort saved by you for this component.

  2. If you want the filter or sort to be used as the default for this component, select the Make this the default setting check box.

  3. If your active user role has the ability to create agency filters, the Agency-wide setting check box is displayed. If you want the filter or sort to be available to other users, select the Agency-wide setting check box. Then, either select the Apply to all roles check box or specify one or more roles that will have access to the filter.

  4. Click the Save and Apply button.

    The system takes you back to the list and immediately sorts or filters the selected component.

Modifying Saved Settings

You can modify the filter and sort settings that you save. You cannot modify agency filters. To modify settings, open the Advanced Filter overlay and select the filter or sort you want to modify. Change information in columns, operators, and values as needed.

Deleting Saved Settings

To delete saved filter and sort settings, open the Advanced Filter overlay and select the filter or sort you want to delete in the Editing field. Click the Delete this setting link.

Related topics:

Using Operators with the Advanced Filter

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