In this Topic
The system uses a reference issue as a guide for how a tracked issue should operate and what information it contains. This includes the steps or processes that need to be fulfilled in order to resolve the tracked issue.
Issues can be used to track many different workflows and processes. For example, your agency could use an issue for the process followed when a new price is needed for a reference item. The first step in the tracked issue could be to review the current price, then create an updated price if needed, and finally approve the new price. Your agency would define these steps, along with the triggers and users included in the process, by creating a reference issue. After the reference issue is set up, it can be used to create tracked issues as needed.
The Issue Summary component contains all the information currently recorded for the reference issue. To access the Issue Summary component, click the Issues link in the Reference Data component, and then click the Name link for the issue you want to view.
Note: After a reference issue is used to create a tracked issue, the information on the reference issue cannot be modified.
Information on the Issue Summary component is grouped on three tabs: General, Steps, and Used By. The Issue Summary component opens on the General tab, which contains the basic information about the issue.
To view or modify the list of steps included in the reference issue, click the Steps tab (see Maintaining Reference Issue Steps). Before adding steps to a new reference issue, you first need to make the reference issue active.
To view a list of system events that are set up to initiate a tracked issue based on this reference issue, click the Used by tab. Each system event listed on the Used by tab includes the event Description and Type fields. You can view an associated system event by selecting Open from the Actions menu on the system event row.
To view or modify the actions and transitions included in a step, click the Step Events Quick link (see Maintaining Reference Issue Step Events).
On the General tab, you can view or change information in the following fields:
The General tab includes three sections: Owners, Issue Fields, and Associated Fields. The Owners section lists users that are assigned access to the reference issue and any associated tracked issues. The Issue Fields section specifies which data fields are available on tracked issues associated with this reference issue. If the reference issue is associated with an entity, such as a vendor or a proposal, then the Associated Field section is displayed at the bottom of the General tab. The Associated Field section enables you to make fields from the associated entity available on the tracked issue.
The Owners section lists users who are assigned access to the reference issue and any resulting tracked issues. By default, users in the list have read-only access to the reference issue. When the Can Edit check box is selected, the user can modify the reference issue and any associated tracked issues.
The Primary check box indicates which user is the primary owner of the reference issue. The primary owner is the user who is responsible for any tracked issue based on this reference issue. The primary owner and the Issue Manager both receive notifications when errors occur with the tracked issue.
To add an owner of this reference issue, enter information in the empty row at the bottom of the list. Click in the User field and type a username, or begin typing to search for matching results. To allow the user to modify the issue, select the Can Edit check box. To identify the user as the primary owner, select the Primary check box. Only one user can be marked as the primary owner of a reference issue. If another user is already selected as the primary owner, the system automatically clears the Primary check box for that user when you select a new primary owner. By default, the system assigns the primary owner the ability to edit the reference issue.
To delete a newly added owner of the reference issue, click the Delete button on the user row. The system deletes the row immediately.
To delete a saved owner of the reference issue, click the Mark for Deletion button on the user row. To reverse the deletion, click the Undo button.
To modify settings for an existing owner of the reference issue, clear or select check boxes on the appropriate user row.
When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
If you need to collect specific information about a tracked issue, you can choose which fields are included on the associated reference issue. Issue fields are defined by metadata in the same format that is used for report parameters. By default, a reference issue includes the Total Amount field. The issue fields are displayed on the tracked issue in the order they appear in the metadata for the associated reference issue.
You can add and remove fields by updating the metadata in the Fields text box. For information about using the code editor text box, see Using the Code Editor Text Box.
The following is an example of metadata that includes the Total Amount issue field:
<ArrayOfEntityAttribute xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<EntityAttribute id="TotalAmount" key="true" label="Total Amount" shortLabel="Amount" type="number" information="The total amount of the issue." unique="false">
<Rule type="IsNumber">
<Argument name="Precision">10</Argument>
When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
Code Editor text boxes are available on components where you customize system metadata. Clicking the magnifying glass button on the right side of the text box opens a secondary window that displays XML or IronPython code in numbered rows. This window provides basic code editing features, such as syntax color coding and indentation, in-line error and warning syntax validations, and the ability to expand and collapse elements.
While this window is open, pressing the tab key advances the cursor only within the text window; it will not advance the cursor to other areas of the page. Also, using your browser's search function (CTRL+F) will only search text that is currently visible on the component. To search the entire contents of the text window, click anywhere inside the window and press CTRL+F. A search field for use only in searching the contents of the window appears in the upper right corner of the window.
If the reference issue is associated with a business entity — such as a contract, vendor, or proposal — you can select which fields from the entity are available to the tracked issue. The Associated Fields section is displayed on the Issue Summary component only after the reference issue is associated with an entity. The associated entity type is displayed at the top of the list of associated fields.
Each associated field row in the list includes values for these fields:
To delete an associated field from this reference issue, click the Delete button on the appropriate row. When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
You can add associated fields to the reference issue individually, or you can add multiple fields at a time.
To add a field from an associated entity to the reference issue, perform the following steps:
Click the New
The system adds a new row at the
bottom of the list.
In the new row, click
the arrow in the Field Label
The drop-down menu lists fields available
on the entity with which the reference issue is associated.
From the drop-down menu, select the field you want to add to the reference issue.
Enter a numeric value in the Order field to determine the order in which the associated fields will be displayed on the tracked issue.
Select a value in the Column field to determine whether the associated field is displayed on the tracked issue in the left column, the right column, or both.
Select the Can Edit check box to allow users
with appropriate permissions the ability to modify the file from the
tracked issue.
Note: When the Can
Edit check box is selected for an associated field, the field
can only be modified on the tracked issue if the issue owner already
has permission to edit the field through permissions granted by their
When you have finished
making changes, click the Save
The system displays a message to
confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
To simultaneously add multiple fields from an associated entity to the reference issue, perform the following steps:
Choose Select
Fields from the Actions
menu on the associated fields list.
The system displays a modal window
for selecting fields from the entity.
In the Select Fields
modal window, locate the fields you want to add by typing criteria
in the Quick Find search box, or by clicking Show
first 10.
The system lists the fields that
meet your search criteria.
Click the row for
each field you want to add.
The system adds a check mark beside
each item you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click
the selected row again.
When you have selected
all the fields you want to add, click the Add
to Issue button.
The system closes the modal window
and adds the fields you selected to the end of the associated fields
For each new field, enter a numeric value in the Order field to determine the order in which the associated fields will be displayed on the tracked issue.
For each new field, select a value in the Column field to determine whether the associated field is displayed on the tracked issue in the left column, the right column, or both.
Optionally, you can
select the Can Edit check
box to allow users with appropriate permissions the ability to modify
the field from the tracked issue.
Note: When the Can
Edit check box is selected for an associated field, the field
can only be modified on the tracked issue if the issue owner already
has permission to edit the field through permissions granted by their
When you have finished
making changes, click the Save
The system displays a message to
confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Maintaining Reference Issue Steps
Maintaining Reference Issue Information