Adding a Source Material Facility Material Identification

A source material facility material identification, or SMFMI, is a way to uniquely identify a like material supplied by the same source or facility, such as a batch, lot, seal, or stockpile.

To add a new SMFMI to a source material or a facility material, click the Add button on the SMFMI tab on either the Source Material Summary component or the Facility Material Summary component, as appropriate. The system takes you to the Add Source Material Facility Material Identification component.

You can enter information in these fields:

When you are finished entering information about the new SMFMI, click the Save button. The system displays the new SMFMI in the Source Material Facility Material Identification Summary, and it displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved. For more information, see Maintaining Source Material Facility Material Identifications.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Facility Material

Maintaining Identifications for a Facility Material

Maintaining a Source Material

Maintaining Identifications for a Source Material


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