In web-based AASHTOWare Project, a reference wage decision is a set of records modeled after a wage decision issued by the U.S. Department of Labor. For more information about wage decisions, see Maintaining Wage Decision Information.
To create a new reference wage decision, information must already have been recorded in all of the following areas:
Reference Wage Decision – the header definition must be recorded for the wage decision, as well as each modification issued for the wage decision. An agency is not required to record wage decision modifications it does not use.
Reference Wage Decision Craft - each craft included in the wage decision must be recorded in the system (for example, Truck Driver, Equipment Operator, Labor, or Specialty Craft-Electrician). Crafts are defined in the code table CRAFTCODE.
Reference Wage Decision Zone Area Definition - this represents the geographic area defined in the wage decision (for example, Zone 1, Zone 2). Some wage decisions include the entire state in the zone area definition, some divide the state into smaller areas, and others use counties as the zone area definition. When counties are used, each county must be recorded as a zone area as well as a zone area county. Zone areas are defined in the code table WAGEZONECODE.
Reference Wage Decision Classification - this represents the labor classification or group of classifications to be paid at prescribed wage, hourly fringe, and daily fringe rates (for example, Common Labor, Pump Operator, Truck Drive Class X, or Truck Drive Class Y). Decision classifications are defined in the code table DECISIONCLASS.
Reference Wage Zone Area County - this represents the counties or partial counties to be included in the wage zone area. This set of records is compared to the Contract Project Counties to ensure that proper wages are being paid to each payroll employee. The zone area counties are defined under the reference county.
To add a wage decision, select Add from the Actions menu on the Wage Decision Overview component header.
On the Add Wage Decision component, enter the following information to create a wage decision record:
It is not required, but you can also enter information in these fields to record additional information about the wage decision:
When you have finished adding information, save the new reference wage decision to the system by clicking the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Maintaining Wage Decision Information
Changing a Reference Wage Decision