To create a code table, select Add from the Actions menu on the Code Tables component header. Enter information in these fields:
A blank row for adding a value to the new code table is already displayed. Press the Tab key to advance through the fields, adding information and new rows as needed (or click the New button). For more information, see Adding Code Table Values.
For information on how to associate fields to the newly added code table, see Customizing Validation Rules.
Note: For compatibility with BAMS/DSS, the first seven characters of a code table name must be unique, and the seventh character cannot be a number.
Caution: If you create a custom code table called COUNTY (with any casing, for example, County, COUNTY, or CoUnTy), the values in that table will not be included in exports of reference data to SAPW, CAS, Cost Estimation, and SiteManager.
When you have finished adding information, save the new reference code table to the system by clicking the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Maintaining Code Table Information
Changing a Reference Code Table