Accessing Reference Data for Cost-Based Estimation

The Estimation Reference Data Overview is the gateway to accessing the different types of reference data used for estimation. To go to the overview, click the Estimation Reference Data link in the Reference Data component.

The Overview page includes three components: Bid-Based Methodology, Cost-Based Methodology, and Parametric Methodology.

The Cost-Based Methodology component includes links to the Overview for these types of reference data:

To make changes to reference data, click the link for the type of data you want to change, or select Open from the Actions menu on the reference data row.

Much of the reference data accessible from the Cost-Based Methodology component can be imported into the system as a CSV or XML file. Imported data can include crews, cost sheets, laborers, and equipment, as well as rates for materials, laborers, and equipment, and reference prices for items. For more information, see Importing Estimation Reference Data.

For information about the other components on the Estimation Reference Data Overview page, see Accessing Reference Data for Bid-Based Estimation and Accessing Reference Data for Parametric Estimation.

Related topics:

Managing Reference Data

Managing Reference Data Status


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