A production rate represents the daily rate of work to be performed for a construction activity by the laborers and equipment included in a cost sheet. When a cost sheet price task is associated with a cost estimate item, you must associate a production rate that will be applied when the cost sheet unit price is calculated.
The Production Rates Overview lists all of the production rates recorded in the system. You can access the overview by clicking Production Rates in the Reference Data or Estimation Reference Data components.
Each row includes a Delete button and current values in these fields:
Click in a field and add, delete, or modify information as needed.
To add a new production rate, click the New button. The system adds a new blank row to the list. To save a new row, you must enter values in the Production Activity, Unit, and Rate fields.
To delete a production rate, click the Delete button at the end of the row. The system deletes the row immediately.
When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
Accessing Reference Data for Cost-Based Estimation