Report Descriptions - Preconstruction

In this section

  1. Additive Sections
  2. Bid Letting Summary Report
  3. Bid Tab Analysis Report
  4. Bid Tab Edit Report
  5. Contract Price Schedule Report
  6. Final Detail Estimate Report
  7. Proposal Fiscal Year Schedule
  8. Mailing Labels
  9. Notice to Contractors
  10. Preliminary Detail Estimate Report
  11. Proposal Addenda
  12. Proposal Price Schedule Report
  13. Vendor Invoice


Additive Sections

The Additive Sections report lists the totals for each vendor's bid for the base sections and all of the selected additive sections in a proposal. Invalid bids are not included.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Bid Letting Summary Report

When you generate the Bid Letting Summary, you can choose to include one or more of the individual reports listed below. You can access these reports from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Bid Letting Comparison Form

The Bid Letting Comparison form lists the proposals by Proposal ID and includes selected proposal information and blank fields for manual entry at the bid letting.

For Cost Plus Time proposals, this report includes the Cost Plus Time Total in the Corrected Low Bid column. The Apparent Low Bid column contains a notation that the proposal is a Cost Plus Time proposal.

Bid Letting History

The Bid Letting History report lists current letting information and summary information about the low bidder contract if it was previously let and rejected.

Bid Letting Prequalification

The Bid Letting Prequalification report lists all vendors who are prequalified for a particular proposal on a bid letting.

Letting Award Summary

The Letting Award Summary lists information about the winning vendor in a bid letting.

Proposal Addenda Detail

The Proposal Addenda Detail report identifies the changes made to a proposal during the addenda phase by comparing virtual copies (called snapshots) of the proposal at the time each addendum was created, and comparing the last addendum snapshot to the current state of the proposal.

For example, if a proposal has two addenda, the report determines and outputs all the changes between Addenda 1 and Addenda 2 (labeled as Addenda 1), and the changes between Addenda 2 and the current state of the proposal (labeled as Addenda 2's changes). It outputs in Descending Addendum ID order (Addenda 2's changes, then Addenda 1's).

If there are no modifications for the addendum, the report prints No Modifications Found under the addendum header. If there are no addenda for the proposal, the report prints No Addenda for Proposal under the proposal header.

Bid Tab Analysis Report

The Bid Tab Analysis Report uses proposal vendor bid information for selected proposals. When you generate this report, you can choose to include one or more of the individual reports listed below. You can access these reports from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Low Bid Item Analysis

The Low Bid Item Analysis is used to compare the item prices from the low bidder to those in the Engineer's estimate for each selected proposal in the bid letting. The last row of the report displays contract totals, which includes the time bid for Cost Plus Time proposals. 

Low Bid Summary

The Low Bid Summary report lists bid letting totals, including the time bid for Cost Plus Time proposals, and is used to identify the low bidder and compare the corrected low bid value to the Engineer's estimate. The report calculates the low bid as a percentage of the Engineer's estimate and shows how much the bid is over or under the Engineer's estimate.

Tabulation of Bids

The Tabulation of Bids report uses bid information received from proposal vendors to produce a listing of item bid information in a cross tab format to make it easy to compare bids from different vendors. Bidders are listed according to their vendor bid ranking, with the highest ranked bidder listed first.

If you wish, you can include the Engineer's estimate in the report by choosing the Include Engineer's Estimate option in the parameters window when you run the report.  When included, the Engineer's estimate is listed as the first vendor.

Vendor Ranking

The Vendor Ranking report is a list of bidders ranked according to bid total for each selected proposal in the selected bid letting. For Cost Plus Time proposals, the vendor ranking is based on the Cost Plus Time amount rather than the calculated item total.

If you want, you can include the engineer's estimate in the report by choosing the Include Engineer's Estimate option in the parameters window when you run the report. When included, the engineer's estimate receives a zero ranking, but is ordered in the list according to the total bid amount.

Bid Tab Edit Report

The Bid Tab Edit report analyzes individual line item bids for numerical accuracy and identifies irregular bids. After you generate the report and correct the identified errors, you can regenerate the report to verify your corrections.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Bid Summary and Ranking

The Bid Summary and Ranking section of the Bid Tab Edit report ranks each bidder according to the calculated bid total.

Bid Summary

The Bid Summary section of the Bid Tab Edit report lists errors with proposal bid tabs, such as invalid extended amounts, extended amounts that do not add up to the section or proposal totals.

Contract Price Schedule Report

The Contract Price Schedule report can be generated after either of the following:

The name of the report does not change when it is generated on a proposal before it is awarded; it is still the Contract Price Schedule report.

The Contract Price Schedule report uses unit price values from the awarded bidder or the valid low bidder to produce contract-level reports in the following sections:

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Final Detail Estimate Report

The Final Detail Estimate is a group of reports that uses bid prices from either the awarded vendor or the valid low bidder to provide a project, prime project, or proposal view of costs, including add-on percentages and funding breakdowns.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

The Final Detail Estimate is comprised of six individual reports:

Final Detail Estimate Cover Page

The Final Detail Estimate Cover Page lists the organization, date, project numbers in the proposal, and other general information about the Final Detail Estimate report. For prime projects, the cover page lists each associated project and its price source, either Vendor Price for awarded proposals or Engineer Price for non-bid projects. See Final Detail Estimate Cover Page.

Final Detail Estimate Cost Summary

The Final Detail Estimate Cost Summary report can be generated at three levels: project, prime project, and proposal. See Final Detail Estimate Cost Summary.

Project Level

The project level report provides information about how the project costs are distributed over the different funds in the project's fund packages. The awarded vendor's or valid low bidder's bid prices are organized by project for each funding source, and any funding limits that were set when the project was defined are shown.

Prime Project Level

The proposal level report provides information about how the project costs are distributed over the different funds in the project's fund packages. The awarded vendor's or valid low bidder's bid prices are organized by proposal for each funding source, and any funding limits that were set when the project was defined are shown. A proposal total is displayed at the end of the report.

Proposal Level

The project level report provides information about how the project costs are distributed over the different funds in the project's fund packages. The awarded vendor's or valid low bidder's bid prices are organized by project for each funding source, and any funding limits that were set when the project was defined are shown.

Final Detail Cost Estimate

The Final Detail Cost Estimate report can be generated at three levels: project, prime project, and proposal. See Final Detail Cost Estimate.

Project Level

The project level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the project, based on bid prices from the awarded vendor or valid low bidder. The engineer's estimated price is used for non-bid items. Items are grouped by category and listed in order by line number. The report identifies alternate categories, alternate items, and items that are fixed price, bid lump sum, non-bid, and low cost contributors. The report also includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The project total is printed at the end of each project.

Prime Project Level

The project level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the project, based on bid prices from the awarded vendor or valid low bidder. The engineer's estimated price is used for non-bid items. Items are grouped by category and listed in order by line number. The report identifies alternate categories, alternate items, and items that are fixed price, bid lump sum, non-bid, and low cost contributors. The report also includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The project total is printed at the end of each project. The prime project total is printed after the total for the last project.

Proposal Level

The proposal level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the project, based on bid prices from the awarded vendor or valid low bidder. Items are grouped by category and listed in order by line number. The report identifies alternate categories, alternate items, and items that are fixed price, bid lump sum, non-bid, and low cost contributors. The report also includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The project total and the proposal total are printed at the end of the report.

Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary

The Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary report can be generated at three levels: project, prime project, and proposal. See Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary.

Project Level

The project level report lists all of the funding sources for a proposal. Funds are grouped by category, and the total dollar amount for each category in the proposal is shown.

Prime Project Level

The prime project level report lists all of the funding sources for a proposal. Funds are grouped by category, and the total dollar amount for each category in the proposal is shown. The prime project total is printed at the end of the report.

Proposal Level

The project level report lists all of the funding sources for a proposal. Funds are grouped by category, and the total dollar amount for each category in the proposal is shown. A proposal total is printed at the end of the report.

Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Fund

The Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Fund report can be generated at two levels: project and proposal. See Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Fund.

Project Level

The project level report shows the total dollar amount allocated to each category of work from each fund in each project.

Proposal Level

The project level report shows the total dollar amount allocated to each category of work from each fund in each project. A proposal total is printed at the end of the report.

Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Unit

The Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Fund report can be generated at two levels: project and proposal. See Final Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Unit.

Project Level

The project level report shows the total dollar amount for each unit of work in the project by funding source. Unit numbers are assigned to categories to form groups of categories when project-level funding is added to each project. If no unit number is assigned, the unit number shown on the Funding Summary report is None.

Proposal Level

The project level report shows the total dollar amount for each unit of work in the project by funding source. Unit numbers are assigned to categories to form groups of categories when project-level funding is added to each project. If no unit number is assigned, the unit number shown on the Funding Summary report is None. A proposal total is printed at the end of the report.

Proposal Fiscal Year Schedule

The Proposal Fiscal Year Schedule report shows what percentage of work should be completed in each fiscal year of a proposal. It lists the Percent Time Elapsed and Percent Funds Expended for each fiscal year and ends with a row of totals.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Mailing Labels

You can generate and print mailing labels when you need to mail documents or correspondence to a vendor or group of vendors. You can print one, two, three or a whole sheet of labels at a time for each vendor you select. Default settings accommodate the standard Avery 5160 peel-off self-adhesive label paper, however, your agency can modify these settings to use another label paper stock if desired. See Steps for Customizing a Report.

You can generate vendor mailing labels by the following:

  1. Select Generate Report from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The system takes you to the Generate Report component, which lists all the reports you can generate.

  2. In the list of reports, select the appropriate Mailing Labels option for the labels you want to generate. (Depending on the vendor list page on which you are working, this option might be named RefVendor Mailing Labels, Proposal Vendor Mailing Labels, or Awarded Vendor Mailing Labels.)

    TThe system adds a check mark beside the label you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.

  3. To select the vendors for whom you want to print labels, choose Select Data on the Settings menu on the component subheader.

    The system displays a Quick Find search box for locating the vendors.

  4. Select the vendors you want included in the report.

  5. Type criteria in the Quick Find search box or click Show first 10

    The system displays a list of all the vendors in the system that match your search criteria.

  6. Select Set Parameters from the Settings menu on the component subheader.

    The system displays parameter options for the mailing labels.

  7. In the Number of Labels box, choose the option for the number of labels you want to print for each selected vendor (1, 2 3 or whole page).

  8. In the AddressID field, type the ID of the address you want to print. If you are printing labels for multiple vendors, you must use the same Address ID for all vendors.

  9. Click the Execute button on the component header.

    The system displays the mailing labels in a separate browser window.

  10. To print the labels, click the Print button on your browser's toolbar.

Notice to Contractors

The Notice to Contractors report serves as a legal notice to the public that proposals are available for bid and is submitted to the media for publication. The report contains two parts, a cover page and a proposal item quantities list. For Cost Plus Time proposals, each Cost Plus Time site is displayed along with the Road User Cost Per Day amount.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Preliminary Detail Estimate Report

Also referred to as the PS&E Estimate, the Preliminary Detail Estimate is a group of reports that uses the Engineer's estimated prices to provide a project, proposal, or prime project view of costs, including add-on engineering and contingency percentages and funding breakdowns.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

You can access the 6 Preliminary Detail Estimate individual reports:

Preliminary Detail Estimate Cover Page

The Final Detail Estimate Cover Page lists the organization, date, project numbers in the proposal, and other general information about the Final Detail Estimate report. For prime projects, the cover page lists each associated project and its price source, either Vendor Price for awarded proposals or Engineer Price for non-bid projects. See Final Detail Estimate Cover Page.

Project Level

The Preliminary Detail Estimate Cover Page can be generated at three levels: project, proposal, and prime project.

Proposal Level

When the Detail Estimate is generated at the proposal level, the Cover Page lists the organization, date, project numbers in the proposal, and other general information about the Detail Estimate report.

Prime Project Level

When the Detail Estimate is generated at the prime project level, the Cover Page lists the organization, date, project numbers associated with the prime project, and other general information about the Detail Estimate report..

Preliminary Detail Estimate Cost Summary

The Preliminary Detail Estimate Cost Summary can be generated at three levels: project, proposal, and prime project. Although these reports contain the same information, the data is organized and totaled according to either project, proposal, or prime project, as appropriate.

Project Level

The project level report provides information about how the estimated project costs are distributed over the different funds in the project's fund packages. Separate reports are generated for each project you select to include. The reports include funding sources and any funding limits that were set when the project funding was defined, along with project total amounts.

Proposal Level

The proposal level report provides information about how the estimated project costs are distributed over the different funds in the project's fund packages. Separate reports are generated for each proposal you select to include. The reports include funding sources and any funding limits that were set when the project funding was defined, along with project and proposal totals.

Prime Project Level

The prime project report provides information about how the estimated project costs are distributed over the different funds in the project's fund packages. Separate reports are generated for each prime project you select to include. The reports include funding sources and any funding limits that were set when the project funding was defined, along with project and prime project totals.

Preliminary Detail Cost Estimate

The Preliminary Detail Cost Estimate can be generated at three levels: project, proposal, and prime project. Although these reports contain the same information, the data is organized and totaled according to either project, proposal, or prime project, as appropriate.

Project Level

The project level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the project. The report includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The estimate total is printed at the end of the report.

Proposal Level

The proposal level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the proposal. The report includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The project total is printed at the end of each project in the proposal and the proposal total is printed at the end of the report.

Prime Project Level

The prime project level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the prime project. The report includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The project total is printed at the end of each project associated with the prime project, and the prime project total is printed at the end of the report.

Preliminary Detail Estimate Funding Summary

The Preliminary Detail Estimate Funding Summary can be generated at three levels: project, proposal, and prime project. Although these reports contain the same information, the data is organized and totaled according to either project, proposal, or prime project, as appropriate.

Project Level

The project level report lists all of the funding sources for a project. Funds are grouped by category, and the total dollar amount for each category in the project is shown.

Proposal Level

The proposal level report lists all of the funding sources for a proposal. Funds are grouped by category, and the total dollar amount for each category in the proposal is shown.

Prime Project Level

The prime project level report lists all of the funding sources for a prime project. Funds are grouped by category, and the total dollar amount for each category in the prime project is shown.

Preliminary Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Fund

The Preliminary Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Fund report can be generated at three levels: project, proposal, and prime project. Although these reports contain the same information, the data is organized and totaled according to either project, proposal, or prime project, as appropriate.

Project Level

The project level report shows the total dollar amount allocated to each category of work from each fund in the project.

Proposal Level

The proposal level report shows the total dollar amount allocated to each category of work from each fund in each project in the proposal, along with totals for the proposal.

Prime Project Level

The prime project level report shows the total dollar amount allocated to each category of work from each fund in the prime project, along with totals for the prime project.

Preliminary Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Unitt

The Preliminary Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Unit report can be generated at three levels: project, proposal, and prime project. Although these reports contain the same information, the data is organized and totaled according to either project, proposal, or prime project, as appropriate.

Project Level

The project level report shows the total dollar amount for each unit of work in the project by funding source. Unit numbers are assigned to categories to form groups of categories when project-level funding is added to the project record. If no unit number is assigned, the unit number shown on the Funding Summary report is None. Data is totaled by project.

Proposal Level

The proposal level report shows the total dollar amount for each unit of work in the proposal by funding source. Unit numbers are assigned to categories to form groups of categories when project-level funding is added to each project in the proposal. If no unit number is assigned, the unit number shown on the Funding Summary report is None. Data is totaled by project and proposal.

Prime Project Level

The prime project level report shows the total dollar amount for each unit of work in the prime project by funding source. Unit numbers are assigned to categories to form groups of categories when project-level funding is added to each project associated with the prime project. If no unit number is assigned, the unit number shown on the Funding Summary report is None. Data is totaled by project and prime project.

Proposal Addenda

The Proposal Addenda report lists all the addenda for one or more proposals. Proposals are listed in ascending order, one proposal per page. Addenda header information is listed in descending order for each proposal.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Proposal Price Schedule Report

Generating the Proposal Price Schedule report uses the engineer's estimated values to produce these four reports:

Proposal Cover Sheet

The Proposal Cover Sheet is the first section of the Proposal Price Schedule group report. The Proposal Cover Sheet provides two pages of general information about the proposal and the projects associated with it.

The first page of the Proposal Cover Sheet lists the projects, counties, and districts associated with the proposal. The second page includes the date the report was run, a description of the proposal, alternate category information, alternate item information, and, for cost plus time bidding, proposal time information.

Proposal Schedule of Items

The Proposal Schedule of Items is part of the Proposal Price Schedule group report and contains a listing of biddable proposal items similar to the listing displayed on the Proposal Item List page. The report is subdivided by sections and shows section totals. For cost plus time proposals, a section containing proposal time information is included.

This report can be used by contractors to submit their proposal item bid prices to the agency.

Proposal Estimate

The Proposal Estimate is part of the Proposal Price Schedule group report and is similar to the Schedule of Items Report, but with these differences:

This report can be used by contractors to submit their proposal item bid prices to the agency.

Vendor Invoice

Vendor Invoices are generated for each planholder in a proposal and used in billing for the purchase of proposal plans in a bid letting. The invoices are generated by Invoice Number.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Related topics:

Using Report Parameters and Output Options

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