Final Detail Cost Estimate

The Final Detail Cost Estimate report can be generated at three levels: project, prime project, and proposal.

Project Level

The project level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the project, based on bid prices from the awarded vendor or valid low bidder. The engineer's estimated price is used for non-bid items. Items are grouped by category and listed in order by line number. The report identifies alternate categories, alternate items, and items that are fixed price, bid lump sum, non-bid, and low cost contributors. The report also includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The project total is printed at the end of each project.

Prime Project Level

The project level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the project, based on bid prices from the awarded vendor or valid low bidder. The engineer's estimated price is used for non-bid items. Items are grouped by category and listed in order by line number. The report identifies alternate categories, alternate items, and items that are fixed price, bid lump sum, non-bid, and low cost contributors. The report also includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The project total is printed at the end of each project. The prime project total is printed after the total for the last project.

Proposal Level

The proposal level report lists the quantity, price, and extended amount for each item in the project, based on bid prices from the awarded vendor or valid low bidder. Items are grouped by category and listed in order by line number. The report identifies alternate categories, alternate items, and items that are fixed price, bid lump sum, non-bid, and low cost contributors. The report also includes information about funding source and participation, work classifications, construction classifications, and category length and width. The project total and the proposal total are printed at the end of the report.

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