Working with Lump Sum Item Prices

The proposal item unit price for a true lump sum is the sum of the associated project item unit prices.  

The unit price of all like fractional lump sum project items must be the same and the sum of their quantities must total 1.0. If the sum of their quantities is not 1.0, or the prices are not the same, the system does not combine the project items and lists them separately in the proposal item list.

The proposal item estimate quantity for hybrid lump sum items is the sum of the estimated quantities of the project items making up the proposal item. The proposal item estimate price is the sum of all rolled up project item extended amounts divided by the proposal item estimated quantity. For example, three project hybrid items with quantities of 500, 300 and 200 and prices of 2.00, 3.00 and 1.00 combine to a single proposal item. The proposal item estimate quantity would be 1000 and the proposal item estimate price would be 2.10.

Related topics:

Working with Lump Sum Items

Viewing Proposal Items

Changing Proposal Item Prices


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