Working with Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profiles

A maintenance schedule profile identifies maintenance tasks that are expected to occur over the life span of an improvement. Your agency can set up different profiles for different types of improvements. When a profile is associated with a cost estimate, it enables you to compare and analyze the life cycle costs involved for different designs.

The Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Overview lists all the reference maintenance schedule profiles in the system. To access the overview, click the Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profiles link in the Estimation component.

Click Show first 10 or enter criteria in the Quick Find search box to locate a specific life cycle maintenance schedule profile in the list. The system displays a list of rows for profiles that match your search criteria.

Each row includes an Actions button and current values for these fields:

To enter or change the Obsolete Date for a profile, click in the field and enter the date as needed, or you can click the calendar icon to choose a date from the calendar.

To delete a life cycle maintenance schedule profile, select Delete from the Actions menu on the profile row.  The system shades the row to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

Click the Save button when you are finished. The system displays a message to confirm that the changes were saved in the database.

To view or change additional information about a maintenance schedule profile, click the Profile Name link, or select Open from the Actions menu on the profile row. The system takes you to the Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Summary. For more information, see Maintaining a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile.

To add a new maintenance schedule profile to the system, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. The system takes you to the Add Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile guided process. For more information, see Adding a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile.

To create a new maintenance schedule profile that is similar to an existing one, select Copy from the Actions menu on the profile row. The system takes you to the Copy Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile component. For more information, see Copying a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile


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