Adding a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile

A maintenance schedule profile identifies maintenance tasks that are expected to occur over the life span of an improvement. Associating a profile with a cost estimate enables you to compare and analyze the life cycle costs involved for different designs.

The system provides a guided process that enables you to add new life cycle maintenance schedule profiles to the system. To add a new profile, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Overview, and then select Add from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The Add Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile component opens on Step 1 - Define Profile.

  2. To save the new profile, you must enter values in the Profile Name, Unit System, Spec Book, and Improvement Life Span fields. You can optionally enter a Profile Description.

  3. When you are finished, click Next.

    The guided process displays Step 2 - Define Milestones with an empty milestone row. You can click Previous at any time to return to a previous step.

  4. To add a maintenance milestone, you must enter values in the Maintenance Milestone and Maintenance Milestone Year fields.  

    You can continue adding maintenance milestones as needed.

  5. To add another maintenance milestone, click the New button.

    The system adds a new milestone row. Continue adding maintenance milestones as needed. You can delete the milestone by clicking the Delete button at the end of the row.

  6. When you are finished, click Next.

    The guided process displays Step 3 - Define Tasks. For each maintenance milestone added in the previous step of the guided process, you can add one or more items needed for maintenance tasks.

  7. To add an item to a maintenance milestone, select Add Item from the Actions menu on the milestone row.

    The system adds a new item row below the selected milestone.  

  8. You must enter a value in the Item field. The list of items is filtered to show only those items that share the same spec book and unit system as the maintenance schedule profile.  

    The system automatically enters the appropriate value in the Unit field. You can delete an item row by clicking the Delete button at the end of the row.

  9. Continue adding items to maintenance milestones as needed. When you are finished, click Create Profile.

    The system adds a new profile and displays it on the Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Summary. For more information, see Maintaining a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile

Working with Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profiles


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