Copying a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile

If you want to create a new maintenance schedule profile that is similar to an existing one, you can copy the profile and make changes as needed. The new profile includes all of the maintenance tasks and items associated with the original profile.

To copy a maintenance schedule profile, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Overview, locate the profile you want to copy, and then select Copy from Actions menu on the profile row.

    The system takes you to the Copy Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile component.

  2. To save the new profile, you must enter a value in the New Profile Name field. The system displays read-only values in the Profile Description, Spec Book, Unit System and Improvement Life Span fields.

  3. When you are finished, click the Copy button.

    The system copies the profile and displays it on the Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Summary with the new name you specified. For more information, see Maintaining a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile.

Related topics:

Working with Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profiles


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